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Fly-dressing markers

Started by Traditionalist, February 02, 2007, 05:48:11 PM

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There are so many types now, that the only way to find what works, and suits you, is to try a few.

"Sets" tend to be expensive, and contain colours you don?t need. I have some pantone pens, some from Letraset, and I also have some others. I just go into the shop, buy one that seems to suit for my intended purpose, and if it is OK, I know I can buy that one , or some from that range in future.

Here are just some examples, ( Scroll down to see the blurb);

The letraset pro-marker twin tip pens are very good for lots of things;

They do save a great deal of time, effort , and money. With one grizzly cape and a good set of pens, you can dress hundreds of flies. Of course the same applies to other capes , dubbing, etc etc.

The tips vary widely on these pens, and if you want to put delicate markings on mayfly abdomens, ( I don?t, but many do!), then a 1/4" felt tip is not much use to you. Is however ideal for "stroking" the colour onto a hackle. It is always better to colour your hackles etc before your tie them in, with dubbing, and "wings" after it is tied in. I have found that stroking hackle on a piece of polythene taped to a sheet of paper gives good results, and wastes less ink/dye. Use a separate part of the polythene for each colour or shade!

If you want these pens, then go to an artist?s shop and have a look around. here is just a small selection;

Chartpak, Letraset, Pantone and  Edding  are all good for various things  ( Waterproof of course!).

One last point. If you "blend" colours using these, you can not always use different pens to do it, as the solvents are different. Also, you MUST!!! use the lightest pen first, and then move on to the darker pens. If you don?t do this, you will ruin your lighter pens, as they soak up the darker colour on the tips!


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