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Open Forums => Open Boards Viewable By Guests => Flies And Tying => Topic started by: speydulika on June 09, 2015, 02:17:35 PM

Title: American Express - A Step By Step Guide
Post by: speydulika on June 09, 2015, 02:17:35 PM
A pattern developed exclusively by Alun Rees of South Wales for sea trout fishing in low clear or slow water. He assured me that he gave it the name because after developing it and refining it before finally arriving at the finished article, for sea trout fishing you really shouldn't leave home without it. After trying it out for myself I genuinely would never leave home to go sea trout fishing without a whole box full. I find that it can be fished as Alun originally intended singly on the point to be used in thin water or alternatively fished as a dropper with something else on the point in more regular water. Don't be surprised however when the fish swim past the point fly to attack this fly on the dropper.

The Dressing

Hook: Extra long shank size 6 to size 10. I demonstrate on a  Fulling Mill Traditional Streamer Hook Size 8.
Thread: Black
Body: Tying silk
Rib: Wide silver tinsel
Hackle: Scarlet dyed hen
Wing: 5 strands on peacock sword over a slim bunch of black dyed fox squirrel tail fibres.

Tying Method

Step 1: Secure the hook in the vice with the point protruding.

Step 2: Attach black tying thread behind the eye.

Step 3: Cut a length of broad flat silver tinsel to a point as shown.

Step 4: Catch in the tinsel by the point securing with 2 turns.

Step 5: Wind the thread back to the end of body. Typically this should be a little more than half the length of the hook shank.

Step 6: Wind the thread in touching turns to point behind the eye to form body.

Step 7: Wind the tinsel in close open turns to form rib.

Step 8: Invert the hook and tie in a bunch of scarlet dyed hen hackle fibres. Ideally the length should be equivalent to the fly body.

Step 9: Trim waste ends and tie down butt ends. 'Right' the hook and ensure that the hackle sits true.

Step 10: Tie in a slim bunch of black dyed fox squirrel tail fibres flat over the back of the fly.

Step 11: Tie in a bunch of 4 or 5 peacock sword fibres over the squirrel tail. Ensure that the natural curve of the sword drapes the hook shank.

Step 12: Whip finish.

Step 13: Varnish to complete.

Step 14: This evenings batch ready to get stolen by mates, lashed into bushes on the opposite bank of the river, lashed into bushes on my side of the river, lost in trees, lost in..................

my bloody finger which I impaled with one on my last Saturday night outing   :shock:
Title: Re: American Express - A Step By Step Guide
Post by: Fishtales on June 09, 2015, 02:39:39 PM
Added to sticky.