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Help! another question for the computer buffs

Started by harelug, June 15, 2013, 07:25:25 PM

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Hope some one can help me out.
I recently "acquired" a new toolbar, TELEVISION FANATIC!
Googled it and it appears to be difficult to get rid of but Spybot was recommended, I have used this before but not on this laptop. Downloaded it and ran, 93 problems found but it could only fix 1/3 because I am not the computer administrator.
I bought the pc new about two years ago, set it up and created my own account but as with other pc's I've owned when I go to My computer/C/users I find 3 files, me, administrator and public, I have know idea how to logon as admin.
Any help with this would be appreciated, also removing this unwanted toolbar and possibly associated with it pesky "left side" pop ups with related searches to whatever site I'm in and new unwanted windows opening up whenever I click on a link. Normally links click up as a new tab. :crap
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If it is a Toolbar then you should be able to disable it in the browser.

I haven't come across it but it seems quite easy to remove. Have a read at this.

Seems pretty straight forward.

Got to the program icon for spybot and right click on it. There should be something in the drop down menu that will allow you to run it as Administrator.

Malwarebytes might be better than Spybot for getting rid of anything left :)
Don't worry, be happy.
Carried it in full, then carry it out empty.

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