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Started by Fishtales, December 20, 2012, 04:21:37 PM

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Don't worry, be happy.
Carried it in full, then carry it out empty.

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Road closed  at Pert dual carriageway closed at Stracathro and no traffic going past the house which makes me think it must be flooded between here and Marykirk, went to have a look at the river this morning and it is massive SEPA web site says 9ft and rising. If you go to the Pert-fishing web site there is a web cam it will show error but give it a couple of seconds and it loads.


That'll be all the pools changed again, the Luther was a good bit different in October with the tree at the top of the backwater ready to go in the next flood....I guess that and many others will no longer be there after this.

By the way Eric, it was nice chatting to you down at the pool when your dogs came to visit during your walk, it's always good to have a blether about the hill lochs and I hope to catch up with you next year too.

Ye Canny Fry A Rise!


It's always good to meet a fellow member and chat about the fishing, the river was half way up the bus shelter first thing this morning river is now dropping it's the 3rd time the river has been out in the fields since the end of the season.
Merry xmas
hope to see you up this way next season


Ah the Carron. A salmon burn would you believe. Have they done any work on it in the last 5 years? The big floods are not good for the redds on a wee burn like that.

The Cowie was my favourite though.
Schrodinger's troots pictured above.


It's not good in Stoney. The streets have now got a lot of raw sewage on them according to BBC Scotland new reports.


It's funny you know, years ago when i was a young angler we used to pray for rain on a Monday / Tuesday, the river the Bervie i am speaking about would rise and peak Wednesday / Thursday and be dropping off Friday and fish perfect Saturday. Now days the river can rise 7/ 8 feet overnight and be back down by the end of the next day.
Who is to blame.
Forestry large amount of water runs off at a great rate because of the way they plant the hills, farmers back in the 70s were given government grants to put in drainage again a big run off and then they have to steal the water from the dried up streams in the summer to water their potatoes and the like.
Flooding on the roads.
If the council workers would get off their fat arses and get a spade to clear the sides of the roads instead of sitting in their vans with their feet up on the dashboard the water might run from the roads, there used to be council workers cleaned the ditches and the like they have all gone and if you can't do it with a digger it doesn't get done.
They wonder why we have flooding


The farm drainage has a lot to answer for.I could see it with my old neighbours, there were constantly putting drains in  everywhere to cultivate every square inch of land. More drains mean less buffering.  The other side of the coin is seen clearly in this part of Aberdeen today there are massive dubs from kerb to kerb, cars soaking pedestrians. The drains here are not working well and that's on the side of a hill. Of course all these houses are built over burns and springs. The clue is in the names of the streets.  Springhill Road, Springfield Road, Springburn Terrace etc. Can anyone spot the pattern?   :lol:

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