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Esk Rivers Trust Rottal Burn Restoration Glen Clova Presentation

Started by Wildfisher, October 24, 2012, 03:03:51 PM

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Interesting work, but if this is not a stupid question, does anybody know why did they straighten it in the first place?


Quote from: jimmul on October 26, 2012, 09:46:16 AM
Interesting work, but if this is not a stupid question, does anybody know why did they straighten it in the first place?

For quite a while the general concensus in much of Europe and elsewhere was that straightening various stream and river courses was advantageous as it theoretically helped to prevent flooding. Farmers and others were also quite enthusiastic as it gained them more workable land. It was discovered far too late that the reverse is actually the case. Natural meanders, apart from being much better habitats for various animals including fish and insects, also slow down the flow of water.  Straight courses speed it up.

Very considerable damage was done all over Europe, and a lot of it is only now being tackled.

There is some information here;

and if you do a search like this, you will find a lot more;


One of the reasons to put the bends back into the Rottal was to slow the water down. Salmon and sea trout have been seen spawning there in the past but all the eggs get washed out because of the power of the water, by slowing the water down less gravel gets washed out into the South Esk which causes less problems for the fresh water pearl mussels further down from the Rottal.
Grants did come from the life project SEPA restoration fund and various different bodies councils ect.
The mouth of the South Esk (netting ) is a problem and they did receive a grant to build a new shed to repair nets, a two week extension was granted by the Scottish government to fish for a further two weeks or catch and extra 1000 salmon which ever came first this was a reward for catching fish at the start of the season to radio tag them to see where they went through out the season and where the spring fish spawn. This extension is not set in stone and the Esk fishery board is fighting the Scottish Government against the extension can't say anymore at this time on that but new should come out in January.



This looks like it has been a success. According to the Esks Trust / Board 20 fish have already spawned in the restored Rottal burn.   :D


Here is The Esks Trust December 2012 newsletter with more on the Rottal project and some good photos. Glen Clova and the other Angus Glens hold many special memories for me and it's great to see conservation work like this taking place.  :D


Thanks for putting this up Fred, as you can see there is still a large bare area this is to have native trees planted in the spring and after it has all greened up should look like it has always been there.

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