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Restoration of the Rottal Burn Glen Clova - Presentation

Started by Wildfisher, November 21, 2013, 08:04:27 PM

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Yes it's astonishing what can be done if people really try.


Great work but expensive. £2000 a metre is a huge sum but how do you put a price on it. 50 years of two fishing parties coming to the river will probably do it for the local economy.


Uummm.....  does that not work out at less than £150 per metre at a quick guess?


Arithmetic is obviously not your forte Paul.   :D     It's actually £133 / metre which is peanuts really. Per square metre it will be less than laying  a cheap living room carpet.

You also have to look farther than  the local 1.2 KM, this will benefit the entire South Esk from Clova to Montrose.

Putting right past environmental follies will always be expensive. Makes you wonder what the remedial work bill will end up being for all these wind and fish farms that we have been subsidizing through grants and taxes.


Oops been on that fff too often. That is actually a great deal.



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