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Open Forums => Open Boards Viewable By Guests => Flies And Tying => Topic started by: Runarsson on June 08, 2008, 01:10:33 AM

Title: Chili Pepper... step-by-step
Post by: Runarsson on June 08, 2008, 01:10:33 AM
Here's my first step-by-step. From the time before I could use the
PC to control the camera. My excuse for lower number of pictures.
But I'm not burying it and the reason is the fly. It's a fly to share.
For stillwater this is the fly that always gets wet first... many times
also the one and only used that day. In my opinion, another name
couldn't describe it better. It's without doubt the hottest fly I've fished...



Streamer or Long Nymph, #8-12
Gudebrod 8/0, red
Gold bead, 3.5 mm + lead wire (optional)
Marabou, burnt orange + 8 strands of copper Krystal Flash
Crystal Chenille, copper
Rooster, brown or furnace

Step 1
Slide a bead onto the hook, secure it in the vise and add some lead
wire for weight. Note my subtle trick there. The lead wire has been
wrapped counter clockwise. When the thread is tied in and wrapped
forward over the lead, the thread wraps will cross the lead wraps
which makes it easier to "stay on top of the situation"... literally.

Step 2
Push the lead wire into the back of the bead and secure it with the
thread. Cover the rest of the shank with thread.

Step 3
Tie in a tail from marabou. Cut the waste at the start of the lead
wraps to avoid bumps in the underbody.

Step 4
Take two strands of Krystal Flash, at least twice the length of the
tail. Tie them in at their center point with the back ends in an angle.
Fold the front ends back and secure them with the ends angled in
the opposite direction. Do the same on the far side of the tail.

Step 5
Tie in a hackle feather in the tip end and tie then also in the Crystal Chenille.

Step 6
Make the first Crystal Chenille wrap behind the hackle feather and
continue up to the bead. Secure and cut the waste. For a fatter
body: Avoid tying down the flash fibres from the previous wrap by
stroking them back before continuing with the next.

Step 7
Start the hackle with a full wrap and then palmer it forward. Finish
with another full wrap before it's tied off just behind the bead. Make
an obvious collar with the thread and whip-finish. Done...
