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beginner to fishing in Motherwell

Started by joma1108, August 14, 2019, 10:42:27 AM

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Hi all,
I am back to fishing after nearly 30 years as my son has become interested
A bit of advice would be hugely appreciated if you can spare the time
the fishing areas near me are the Clyde obviously, Strathclyde park Loch, the Avon and the north Calder Water

I have been out with him a few times however not even had a nibble so either we are fishing in totally wrong spots or wrong baits and would like to give him some tips but lost with it all.

I have bought him a permit for the Clyde from Motherwell bridge down into the Clyde valley and been down to the playpark in hazelbank

we both have spinning rods as I don't know how to fly fish and tried floats, spinning live bait but nothing seems to be working.

I know we need patience however we have been at some spots for 3 - 4 hours and nothing

for him he can walk down to Strathclyde park and fish in the loch however not sure if there are fish in there as it always seems to be poor quality water or blue algae warning

if anyone can help either with some decent spots or technique that would be appreciated



Have you tried trotting a worm.

I,m no expert as it's been a long time since I did it but you would occasionally pick up the odd trout.
A couple of years ago I quite fancied the idea of drowning a worm or two.
I used to have some great days out and it's a relaxing way to fish.



Hi Billy, is that the same as float fishing, i.e putting out a float and then setting the worm on the bottom and letting the current carry it downstream so it looks like it is flowing with the current?

as I said we are both novice and after 5 different days and locations (loch, River, Pond, stream) with nothing caught he is losing interest rapidly and I would like him to stick at it as I think its a good pastime to get him off his Xbox

I told him that its a game to try to catch the fish as they don't want to get caught so he needs to come up with a strategy to catch them, also that sometimes its good to get out and clear your head however he says he has nothing in his head which at 13 I thought it would be full of girls but maybe that was my 13 year old mind  :shock:

I'm pushing water uphill with him at the moment to keep his interested and even if there was somewhere I could take him where he could learn that would be helpful, tried the google search but there isn't anywhere I can see that would offer beginner fishing lessons

thanks again


Best thing would be to join a club.
If it's a decent club the members will be only too happy to show you the ropes.

You don't need a float with trotting a worm but you will need weight like a bouncing Betty (I think that's what it's called)
The idea if I remember is for the worm to drift along the bottom at a natural speed. When you use a float it will drag the worm along faster. The speed of water in a river varies from it being faster on the surface to hardly moving at the bottom depending on the depth.
I think the hardest thing is to catch your first fish but after that it will all come together.

To be honest I think I caught more on the fly but I fished worm and maggots for a while before my uncle showed me how to cast a fly.


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