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Glasgow Casting Club

Started by Blanefishing, August 13, 2009, 11:42:49 AM

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           Sorry, Alan. It's dawned on me [ I think ] moments after posting. I'm now assuming that Craig Brown is our CC Craig and will be continuing to teach and coach people at the quarry ?
           Apologies to you too. I don't think I ever knew your surname . Maybe it's just an age thing  ...  and I'm hoping I've got it right this time !  :)



That is terrible news about the decapitated swans. Presumably this was done for food.

It must be well over a year since I was at the casting club. Who still goes (....or went until the pond was drained).

Protect the edge.


        Attendance has been really sparse this year. It's mainly been the double-handers, I think, tho' Craig and Alan were there quite a bit in the summer. I've not been much myself, due largely to hand problems. I've had my hand and arm in a cast [ no pun intended ] these last three weeks, after surgery to remove arthritic bone, but I hope to get back as soon as possible.
        It was another nae fishing year, I'm afraid, for the same reason but again I hope I can alter that situation next year.
        I trust you are well and, hopefully, over your own hand/arm problems.

Jim A     


Sad to read of the run down of the GCC. It's achievements have been quite astonishing. I guess everything has it's day though.

River Chatter

I'm sorry to hear of problems with the GCC.  After my recent trip, where I found myself struggling at times in high winds using large heavy flies, I resolved to make a return to the GCC to get some advice and practice fishing large flies in poor conditions, making quick changes of direction and line management when casting from a standing start to placing the fly accurately at speed.  Guess I'll need to make do with solo practice.   :?


          I don't think you should write off the idea of the CC yet. Even tho' numbers are well down there remains a core of guys intent on continuing. There are 4 or 5 of us double-handers and of the single handers if Craig and Alan come, even from time to time, you'd still have two very fine casters who have always been very helpful indeed.


I'll be along more often this winter as my arm problems have largely resolved themselves. I don't want to push it too far, so I've been laying off the pike fly fishing for the time being and just being chucking deadbaits out which is marginally better than watching paint dry..

Sorry to hear about your own hand problems  Jim and i hope you get back to fishing fitness a.s.a.p..

Riverchatter, havind chucked a few big beasties about for pike, I may be able to help with some aspects of your casting, but Craig has done a fair bit of bonefishing etc., so he'll probably be your best bet (plus he's a better caster than me). I'll give you a shout next time I'm heading up to Knightswood, but it is likely to be a couple of weeks before i do go.

Next time I'm heading over I'll put a post on this thread as it would be nice to catch up with the remaining stalwarts, plus anyone else who fancies freezing while standing in a muddy field.

Protect the edge.


I still plan to get along as many times as possible this winter, have only made it down a few times these past months for multitude of reasons. I am a grateful receipient of loads of advice, tuition and tips on the rouble hander from the kind hearted attendees. Afraid it's been a  v quiet season this year with only a handful of outings ..... Aim to change that next season.


Quoteover the summer Scott and Craig put in some intensive hours which led to Scott passing the FFF masters assessment, Craig will be next, while they were practicing i tried to keep up and simply got left behind, Scott's was presenting a fly into a 2' ring at 90' consistently with ease,

That is pretty damn impressive progress and as for the accuracy at distance, that is just awesome casting. :shock:

Protect the edge.


QuoteMake a few strokes in the air now and look at the angle, if you then steepen the angle and shorten the stroke it becomes a tight sharp vertical pull and rise, rise further into a drift to lengthen the stroke for 90',

I think I get it, (basically casting up on the back cast?)  but you'll have to show me. I need the practice anyway. I've hardly cast a fly since June :shock:

Protect the edge.

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