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Started by Traditionalist, October 25, 2011, 07:13:04 PM

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The hair from an Angora goat is known as Mohair. This is very useful indeed as dubbing material, and is a reasonable substitute for Seal fur. One may obtain it quite easily in knitting shops, where it is sold as wool. Just chop the Mohair wool up as desired, and use it to blend your desired shades. I often mix this with hare fur, and other furs.This wool is often also referred to as Angora, but Angora is actually the fur from an Angora rabbit! The Angora varies somewhat in texture, but it usually softer and finer than Mohair.

Where "wool" is specified in many dressings, it is better to use the Mohair. It has more "life" than sheep´s wool

It is available in almost every conceivable colour, and is easily blended with other materials. If you want some special shade, then buy white Mohair and dye it as required. It takes dye very well and gives brilliant colours.It was specified in a very large number of older patterns, escpecially for certain dubbing mixtures.


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