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What have you tied today?

Started by Clan Chief, October 25, 2008, 08:04:35 PM

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Quote from: .D. on May 03, 2009, 07:39:50 PM
Here's one (tied today) I tried once or twice last year, Scott Sanchez' Mega Beetle:


what functionality does that hackle have?


Quote from: admin on May 05, 2009, 09:41:33 PM

what functionality does that hackle have?

That's exactly what I thought. I assumed it was to represent some sort of wing but doubt it would make much difference to a trout's view from beneath.


I thought it  might just be a parachute to help land the fly the right way up? They certainly do  when you chuck 'em up in the air. Just tied a few tonight.


Ahh, I never thought of that.


Attempts at the Irish Dressing of the Goats Toe as discussed on the Goats Toe thread  here .

The link Ardbeg posted said it was a simple pattern, I'd disagree. It may be just that I was tying it on too small a hook as the 10's turned out better than the twelves and they all looked better on the bench than in the photo's which aren't too great as they don't even show up the red body and peacock herl which is there.

I tried tying the Ilen Blue feather in using different methods. Winding was no use on the hooks I used as the feathers were too long. What seemed to work best was tying in dabbler style with the feathers pointing forward before being pulled back.

It would be good if someone of better ability than me was to do an S.B.S. on this or point me in the right direction.

I've read discussion on it but can't find an S.B.S. I'll post a copy of this on the Goats Toe thread too if o.k.



Gave my bench a tidy this week, weeks of tying a few of these and few of those left it covered with bits of this and that.. Z-lon, Sparkle yarn, Cock and Hen hackles, various bits of dubbing, etc, etc!
Normally most of it ends up in the bin, but for a change I thought I'll use it instead of binning it. All these from bits and pieces on the bench!


To confirm :):

"Visibility is an issue with a flush-floating black fly, and indicators are a good solution to the problem. The foam indicator on the Mega Beetle also doubles as a platform for a parachute hackle. One problem many foam flies have is a tendency to land on their sides or backs. The parachute hackle adds enough air resistance to make the fly land right side up most of the time......"

I sometimes slot a few fibres of poly yarn into the crease in the indicator too. Like most foam flies it does float pretty low in the water. On that note, the parachute hackle is visible to a trout from below. How significant that is, who knows?




Michty me that's a dry fly! Your first? You should fish it on a wetcel 2 with a downstream mend and you'll be fine.
There's nocht sae sober as a man blin drunk.
I maun hae goat an unco bellyfu'
To jaw like this


Quote from: piscatus absentis on May 08, 2009, 10:49:27 PM
I like mighty flees Malcolm.  You should see some of my sedges.  Big troot like big mouthfuls.

That's what my Dad says too.  :8)


Very nice col, especially like the second one.

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