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Open Forums => Open Boards Viewable By Guests => Open Board => Topic started by: Wildfisher on January 23, 2022, 06:45:18 PM

Title: R.I.P. Burke Shelley
Post by: Wildfisher on January 23, 2022, 06:45:18 PM
I read that Burke Shelley, bassist and lead vocalist with the Welsh rock band Budgie passed away last week. Back in 1971 I bought their first album which was exceptional. Budgie always lived in the shadow of the big name bands of the era and never quite made it. They were famed for their oddly named songs such as "Hot As A Docker's Armpit" and "Homicidal Suicidal". Great riff driven rock and roll.

Breadfan was probably their best known ditty – covered by Metallica although the original was far better IMO.

Budge – the best thing ever to come out of Wales!