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which i-pad?

Started by corsican dave, December 26, 2014, 08:12:43 AM

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corsican dave

okay folks, I have been tasked by my mother (a non pc-literate 79 yr-old) to buy her an I-pad. she's been using one at a club she attends. problem: I know dick about I-pads and there's new models on the market all the time. my thinking is for the most basic, if such a thing exists. she's not going to be streaming movies or playing games! she will be sending e-mails, reading kindle books, shopping and hopefully not being ripped off by mr kdogo from Nigeria or any other "very nice" men.

before you all start advising that she doesn't need an I-pad, i'd just like to add that you don't know my mother..... and she really needs an apple I-pad, if you get my drift  :roll: :lol:

thanks in advance  :8)
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My wife swears by the Kindle Fire HD. I note they are coming down in price. Might be worthwhile looking at.
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I don't buy Apple products on principle and never have. Both my phone and tablet  are Samsung and they work fine. Interestingly the touch screens on Apple devices are designed and made by Samsung.  :roll:


iPads are great and easy to use, but dearer than the likes of a kindle or a Samsung tablet etc but for someone not too familiar with technology they are by far the most user friendly and simple. The aftercare is also the best iv come across on anything, if there's a problem with it they fix it there and then and if it's not straightforward they will replace it. I buggered my iPhone using it in the rain, apple gave me a new one. I dropped another one and smashed the screen, apple replaced that because it was under warranty?? Didn't argue :)
I've got an iPad about 3 years old and just had a shot of my brothers brand new iPad Air (I think that's what it's called  :?) and to be honest the difference is minimal, clearer screen maybe and no doubt the processor is nanoseconds faster but for  everyday user like your mum I don't think there would be much difference. I would advise just finding the cheapest version available and going for that. I think apple might even sell reconditioned ones if you are looking for a bargain.


Just read that post Fred, what principle?


Their products are overpriced and they are too ready resort to court action for even the most trivial reasons. Fortunately  most times they lose. Had they won in the 1980s there would be no Microsoft Windows, computing would have been put back decades and exclusive to those with shed loads of money.


Fair enough, don't know anything about their business practise but I'm sure it bares a fair resemblance to most large multinationals, I do know they have the best customer service out there and their products are the best, thats why they are more expensive, people with always pay for quality and assurance


If that's what you believe that's fair enough, that's what they want. At least you have a choice. Had it been up to Apple you wouldn't have.


iPhones are iPads are apparently designed to just last 12 months luckily this one is 2 and a half years now. Really they should be building things to last and stop coming out with a new item number just because they made the screen bigger,smaller brighter torch etc.


It's not what I believe. Big companies fighting it out amongst themselves doesn't really bother me, they're all self interested. You'd struggle to find one that's not capable of bullying, court orders, shady dealing, questionable staffing policy and employing any means possible to maximise profit and market share.
I've used Samsung, Sony and many other products over the years but now I use apple because they are better and easier to use and offer the best aftercare

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