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John Gierach again

Started by Pearly Invicta, November 29, 2005, 09:57:08 AM

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Pearly Invicta

On fishing trips;

"Whiners of all sorts should not come along. People who cannot deal with the standard adversities- either real or imagined- can throw a serious clod in the churn.

Compulsive score keepers should be avoided: people who refuse to have a good day unless they've hit some preconceived mark, like '25 fish boated' or 'at least one 20-incher.'

Never go fishing with someone else's kid unless you enjoy kids a whole lot more than you do fishing.

People who claim to own 'fishing dogs' are all blinded by love.
There's no such thing as a good fishing dog. Most of these beasts are retrievers who think they can do to trout what they've been trained to do to ducks. It may sound cute, but its not. Stay away from people who take their dogs fishing.

Don't go fishing with anyone who is so set on being back at a certain time that he will refuse to invent a case of car trouble to keep you on the water an extra day.

Don't travel in large or even medium sized groups. A typical gang of six fishermen will contain a bad cook, a whiner, a score keeper, someone who absolutely has to be back by thursday noon, his five year old son, and his dog, Gonzo".

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