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Unique flies

Started by Malcolm, January 30, 2008, 08:23:01 PM

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Looking at the various posts on variant flies prompted the thought that it's very very difficult to come up with a unique style. Have any of you managed it? I'm not talking of putting a magenta body hackle on a black pennel or anything as straightforward as that, I mean something like the first suspender buzzer or the compara dun, say.

I thought I had once when I put a polystyrene ball on a one inch piece of nylon and tied it to the head of a buzzer so that the buzzer would float an inch under the surface. It works, sometimes very well but even that wasn't unique.

So any claimers?

There's nocht sae sober as a man blin drunk.
I maun hae goat an unco bellyfu'
To jaw like this


I can't think of anything I have & I'll bet there are not too many that have. Still be nice to hear if there are.
Tight Lines
" The Future's Bright The Future's Wet Fly"

Nemo me impune lacessit


Not exactly a style, more of a hairstyle :D

I once came up with something I called a "sedgehog" (I know there is another one). Mine was a freeform mass of deer hair which I plastered in Mucilin and moulded to various shapes (like Brylcreem). You could make this fat, thin and somewhere in between.

I still do this (Brylcreeming) with shaggy palmers.

Protect the edge.


Recent FF&FTs have featured patterns by an Italian guy, Agostino Roncallo, which are constructed entirely of one or two CDC feathers.
I don't see them starting a revolution or anything, but they're very clever, elegant flies and as innovative as anything I've seen lately.
I'm going to tie a few up and give them a go, they look like fun.


Allan Crawford

I read that article and the flies looked excellent, I'll like to try some.


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