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The Con - Part 7

Started by otter, March 12, 2013, 10:22:28 AM

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Sean leaned on the counter, a bottle of whiskey and two glasses already filled and watched Father Brennan and Liam settle onto their stools ; 'I thought ye would never get here. The usual Father, two and two large. '

'Indeed not, do you not realise it's Lent you heathen. Off course you don't, you haven't been at mass in twenty years. Two Ballygowan, plenty of ice, the real stuff not the ones your refill from the tap.'

Father Brennan reached down deep into the bowels of his long black overcoat, felt around until he located his hip flask. It was a struggle to free it from the tentacles of loose thread but eventually he eased it up through the hole in the lining of the pocket. Opening the lid he poured the two whiskeys into the flask and secured the flask back in its resting place.
'Now Sean, pour the rest of that gut rot down the sink before I call the customs man and you will have some explaining to do when he examines that excuse for whiskey. I'll be keeping this drop in the flask as evidence.'

Sean was pale faced but held his composure as best he could; 'So the rumours are true Father.'

'Rumours, what bloody rumours would that be ?'; retorted Father Brennan.

Liam looked on sheepishly and reckoned staying silent would be best for the moment.

Sean now grinned;' Rumours that you are off the drink Father. If you don't mind me saying so, isn't it a bit early to be talking about Lent, this is only October. I'll be getting those two glasses of girlie water for you.'

Father Brennan looked at his phone;' Jesus Mary and Joseph, so it is, it's that gut rot whiskey he has been feeding me, it has withered my senses.'
Sean returned with the water and Father Brennan apologised for his sober behaviour and warned them that if his temper failed him thee were not to react.

'Father, I am an expert in not reacting , I have to do it every time my wife is in one of her moods'; Liam shivered at the thought of his wife's lashing tongue.

'It's all in here'; announced Father Brennan laying his note book on the counter and tapping it with one of his fingers; 'The grand plan to sort out the basterd Egan.'

All three stared at the notebook as though the Holy Grail was on the counter.

Father Brennan then told them about his conversation with Hugh.

Liam shook with rage when the enormity of this information dawned on him; 'I can't believe he has been buying the trout that wins him the competitions. How could anyone stoop that low.'

Sean's false teeth rattled in his mouth and almost fell out and into the sink; ' the cheating basterd, the cheating thieving basterd, Jesus father show us the plan, quick.'
Never to miss a chance to turn a coin, 'Do you want a real drink Liam, you look like you need one?'

'No drink Sean until this is all over'; said Father Brennan slapping three fifty euro notes onto the counter;' here, take this as compensation for lost business you bloody philistine publican.'

'Right you be Father'; said Sean as he stuffed the notes deep into his pocket, another three prisioners, secured safely away.

With that Father Brennan revealed his plan, every detail, every nuance, he had left nothing to chance.
Liam shook with laughter and Sean did a dance behind the counter knocking a bottle of Single Malt onto the floor.

'That's a master plan Father, the basterd is done for sure'; Sean the poor creature, honestly believed when all was done that Egan's wife would come back to him, no matter.

Pleased, that they seemed pleased, Father Brennan continued and laid down the law. 'Liam you get working on the website and the other stuff, it needs to be operational by the first of March. I'll look after the merchandice and as of next Sunday Sean Egan will become my best friend, Capiche. If this plan is to work I have to know our enemy inside out and if he differs at all from my perceptions of his character I will adjust the plan to compensate. Sean, I need that case of Scotch by the middle of next week. One last thing, not a word to a living soul. Agreed ? '

'Agreed'; said Sean and Liam

to be continued


Lol wonder what they have up their sleeves.

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