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poly leaders

Started by breac, August 10, 2004, 09:29:09 PM

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:)  I've been using poly leaders for a while, but I have been splicng them onto my mainline and covering the splice with braid sleeve it works best with the clear lines as you can use a blood knot, you have to use a nail knot with the braided cores, I  use a bit of clear bostic before I slide the braid sleeve over, it gives a finer tip  and you can have  sinking or
floating tips, works for me :D breac

Pearly Invicta

I've used them for a couple of years. I carry 3 types for all my lines- fast sink, fast intermediate and glass intermediate. I find them especially useful on rivers and also on big lochs, like Leven. I just use them for a quick and handy change of depth so you can travel light without carrying spools or spare reels.
They do improve line turnover a bit though- but you must get the balance right- they tend to be rated for a wide range of line sizes. I have one 8 weight outfit that just won't carry them although a 7 weight will. they are rated 5-8 I think. I also use them when Salmon fishing.
I used to think that all that bother with constructing leaders out of various sections was a waste of time but this year I've experimented with leaders made of three sections of 8, 6 and 4lb flourocarbon and I've noticed a big improvement in leader turnover.
Breac, are you using them purely to aid the cast, or to turn a line into a sink tip? Splicing them onto the line would remove the convenience of changing only the tip quickly. I use the loop to loop connection and I don't see any splash or hinging caused by it. But  then, I'm not a trout.


I only generally use an intermediate line so I use the 5ft hover leader, but i have an LC80 so I carry a spare spool with a floater and a sinking poly,
I find it smooths out the cast more than the loop to loop method, i have used the same cast style 4/6/8 for a long time but you can get a decent
turnover with 4/6/4 and I use to use 6/8/6 for sea trout when we had them
that also gives you a good turnover in a wind, I tried Tynex nylon, which is quite stiff,but after usind the new super strength stuff it's about twice as thick, one day I may hit the right combo but I reckon the polyleader taper will extend the life of a fly line :) breac


Used to use them but was put onto furled leaders by a mate & think these are superior.Far more streamlined & sensitive & you can pick whatever sink rate you like, as with the poly leaders.


Used a furled leader for most of my fishing over the last few years, found them excellent on lochs, but if you fish rivers there is a major problem as far as I can see. They are very difficult to cast without them landing dead straight. Trying to put slack into them is, as far as I can see, impossible.

Anyone else found this?? :?


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