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Open Forums => Open Boards Viewable By Guests => Gear => Topic started by: Fishtales on July 05, 2005, 10:34:59 PM

Title: Boots
Post by: Fishtales on July 05, 2005, 10:34:59 PM
I bought a pair of Zamberlan Goretex lined boots last year. I wore them on my fishing trip and for 40 or so miles of the WHW. In November I started wearing them to work, I walk for a living :), and every time it rained I had damp feet. I put this down to the fact that I had been away from walking for a living for nine months and was therefore unfit and sweating more. I was wrong the water is coming in across the top of the boots just where it flexes at the eyelets, so I need a new pair of boots.

I have been looking around and I quite like the look of the Scarpa "Ranger" boot. I had the Scarpa Asolo with the Attak sole and this one reminds me of it. My Asolo's were great up until I retired them and were only just letting water seep through across the top of the boot at the flex point.

What I want to know is the "Ranger" as good a boot :?: I don't want another Goretex lined boot and I prefer leather.
Title: Boots
Post by: Fishtales on July 07, 2005, 01:31:48 AM
Thanks Davy. I coat my boots with Snoseal(sp?) and never had any bother with the Scarpas, I could even wade with them , but the Zamberlans just keep letting water seep in. My feet don't get wet just damp, that was why I thought it was sweat.