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Open Forums => Open Boards Viewable By Guests => Flies And Tying => Topic started by: Wildfisher on October 29, 2005, 08:46:45 PM

Title: Muddler Head Trimmer
Post by: Wildfisher on October 29, 2005, 08:46:45 PM
Anyone tried these gizmos for quickly trimming the deer hair on muddler heads? Don?t know much about them but I believe you just push them on and turn them and blades inside cut the hair and form the head.
Title: Muddler Head Trimmer
Post by: Fishtales on October 30, 2005, 07:36:04 PM
I have no idea what you are talking about :), but I would say if you want all the heads the same they would be fine bit if you want custom heads i.e. divers, poppers, round etc., then scissors or razor blade is best.
Title: Muddler Head Trimmer
Post by: Wildfisher on October 30, 2005, 08:56:09 PM
Quote from: fishtalesI have no idea what you are talking about

I am such a hyper intelligent mega-being few do Sandy???(ask guest if you don't believe me).

I?m assuming that?s what it is anyway, its in the Veniard catalogue under ?hair trimmer?, can?t see what use it would be otherwise.

Title: Muddler Head Trimmer
Post by: Richy on October 30, 2005, 09:16:03 PM
Bandy Catcher

It was me who had the chat with you about the beard trimmer as I saw one used at a demonstration at Grangemouth Angling Clubs annual meeting at the Toon Hall.
Paul Young was there too !!!

All the best

Title: Muddler Head Trimmer
Post by: Wildfisher on October 30, 2005, 09:43:36 PM
Quote from: Richy
Paul Young was there too !!!

did you not get a chance to try it out on his moustache?  :lol:
Title: Muddler Head Trimmer
Post by: Fishtales on October 30, 2005, 10:29:29 PM
I suppose if it doesn't work on muddler heads you could use it to sharpen pencils :)
Title: Muddler Head Trimmer
Post by: Wildfisher on October 30, 2005, 11:17:06 PM
Quote from: fishtalesI suppose if it doesn't work on muddler heads you could use it to sharpen pencils :)

Perhaps its not for making muddlers   after all. It may just be a new type  of bead-head for stockie bashing. A  fly and priest built into one convenient   unit. Just think of the time that would save!  :lol:
Title: Muddler Head Trimmer
Post by: IanR on December 01, 2005, 07:59:45 PM
Someone showed me a tip a while back on how to trim muddler heads without cutting the hackles, etc., off the fly. You cut off about half an inch of Biro tube (not the bit with the ink in, the empty bit from the top), slice a notch in it, and slide or clip it  it over the fly body, with the exception of the muddler head. Trim muddler head, then remove tube. Works for varnishing heads too.

Apologies if this has been posted before.


Title: Muddler Head Trimmer
Post by: Wildfisher on December 01, 2005, 08:20:50 PM
good tip Ian