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Open Forums => Open Boards Viewable By Guests => Open Board => Topic started by: jimmul on August 14, 2014, 08:34:55 AM

Title: not so shy otter
Post by: jimmul on August 14, 2014, 08:34:55 AM
Was on the River Ribble a couple of days ago, on a 'falling water' having a cast to see if there were any tourists around,
I thought my luck was in when I saw this fella porpoising from the corner of my eye.
I had always thought otters were very shy but this one stopped around and was having a good look at me
apologies for the video as it was from my phone but this was the best of it
Jim :) (

Title: Re: not so shy otter
Post by: Wildfisher on August 14, 2014, 08:42:22 AM
Excellent, but don't tell John Wilson!   :lol:
Title: Re: not so shy otter
Post by: Billy on August 14, 2014, 01:55:17 PM
I have had them come right up to the end of my rod. For a while I have thought that their eyesight might not be too great.

I even had one appear at my feet one time on the Don.

Nice to see.

Title: Re: not so shy otter
Post by: jimmul on August 14, 2014, 02:14:13 PM
It's the first one I have seen close up, I could have reached out and touched it at one point, hopefully it will encourage me to put my camera in my pocket a little more often.
Why John Wilson, Fred?
Title: Re: not so shy otter
Post by: Wildfisher on August 14, 2014, 02:17:14 PM
John Wilson was calling  for an otter cull in England a few years ago.
Title: Re: not so shy otter
Post by: BuanĂ¡n on August 14, 2014, 02:57:21 PM
Many times I dragged myself out of bed in the wee small hours, staggered across half a mile of salt flats in the pitch black only to discover an otter in the river. They're quite cocky under those conditions, quite the opposite of retiring, the wee barsettes  :lol:

Title: Re: not so shy otter
Post by: Wildfisher on August 14, 2014, 03:38:15 PM
One summer evening I was fishing on the Alford Cooncil beat of the Don when I noticed a huge trout bulge under the surface of my favourite pool. I got into position then saw and other 2 huge fish bulge, then another then another. A head popped up and stared at me. It was not fish of course, it was a family of otters.   :lol: I just sat there for 1/2 hour watching them. Very entertaining although not exactly good for fishing prospects!
Title: Re: not so shy otter
Post by: emc on August 14, 2014, 03:52:32 PM
Quote from: admin on August 14, 2014, 08:42:22 AM
Excellent, but don't tell John Wilson!   :lol:

I think your secret is safe - he's gone to Thailand..................... for good!
Title: Re: not so shy otter
Post by: jimmul on August 14, 2014, 10:15:52 PM
Thats good I'd rather have the otter, at least they don't have that 'laugh'!
Title: Re: not so shy otter
Post by: Bobfly on August 14, 2014, 10:38:56 PM
They are certainly inquisitive beasties. I guess it would work just the same with otters on rivers but you can whistle a steady tone to otters on the coast and they will want to see what the noise is about.
Title: Re: not so shy otter
Post by: Bobfly on August 14, 2014, 11:03:01 PM
I would seriously suggest you give your neighbours a whistle next time they come by and see what happens.
Not a piercing whistle just a steady medium light tone. Also works with bush pig, warthogs, gazelle, rabbit, hares and roe deer, stops them all and they look up and look around!!
Title: Re: not so shy otter
Post by: Sandison on August 15, 2014, 04:27:46 PM
If I believed in reincarnation, then I would choose to come back as an otter; great
swimming, free fishing, travel and a sense of humour - would work well enough for me...
Title: Re: not so shy otter
Post by: Harpo on August 15, 2014, 06:34:54 PM
The entire Coarse fishing community down south appear to be up in arms about the otter population......they keep eating their pet fish!

Nice video!