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Open Forums => Open Boards Viewable By Guests => Flies And Tying => Topic started by: Lochan_load on October 21, 2016, 01:46:49 PM

Title: Uv cure resin
Post by: Lochan_load on October 21, 2016, 01:46:49 PM
I'm looking to get some bug bond type resin for fly tying, i tend to varnish butts and tinsel bodies but it's time consuming to let it dry hard enough not to smudge or be tacky for tying the rest of the fly. This should save me loads of time. I'm basically looking for a heads up on what's good value, obviously want something that works well but also want to get as cheap as possible, any views from anyone with experience of this would be greatly appreciated. I would need to buy the torch as well as the resin


Title: Re: Uv cure resin
Post by: corsican dave on October 21, 2016, 02:24:25 PM
hi Andy,

I got hold of some called "the bug that bonds" from amazon. about £12 complete with a small torch. worked a treat. I can't see it there anymore, but this looks very similar (

the little torches soon frazzle the batteries, but some rechargeables solved that one.

for the life of me I can't see what advantage the expensive (£30+) kits give you?

i'm sure you know that you shouldn't look directly at the torch, but be aware that the reflection from the curing resin can give you a nasty headache too, so look away whilst you're doing it!
Title: Re: Uv cure resin
Post by: Lochan_load on October 21, 2016, 02:40:19 PM
Quick squizz on eBay and saw this bug that bonds, is this the kit you bought dave? (
Title: Re: Uv cure resin
Post by: Lochan_load on October 21, 2016, 02:43:53 PM
Might take a punt on this, opinions? Can't go wrong at a tenner delivered surely!

Title: Re: Uv cure resin
Post by: bibio1 on October 21, 2016, 03:41:22 PM
I got the bug off some years ago. It's good and way cheaper than bug bond
Title: Re: Uv cure resin
Post by: rannoch raider on October 21, 2016, 04:04:04 PM
I've only ever used Sally Hansen Hard as Nails for covering wet fly bodies, buzzers etc. It's top class and always gives a clear and hardwearing finish. If you are going to use a UV cure resin like Bug Bond you will find that it comes in a standard and light form. The light has far more viscosity than the standard and would probably be better for sealing tags etc.
You might find that Bug Bond wont dry as clear as a varnish and doesn't like being handled until it is completely cured. I find it can cloud over on the surface if it's handled too soon after initial application of the torch light. It also adds a wee bit more volume to bodies that would take a few coats to create with varnish. Pros and cons there I suppose. I keep Bug Bond for heads and bodies on bigger lures.
It would be interesting to hear how it works for you Andy.
Title: Re: Uv cure resin
Post by: JimJams on October 21, 2016, 04:07:06 PM
Quote from: bibio1 on October 21, 2016, 03:41:22 PM
I got the bug off some years ago. It's good and way cheaper than bug bond

With you on this one, always used it with no issues, except the night I got tipsy and dropped it on the floor, carpets not been right since! Cheap off eBay too!
Title: Re: Uv cure resin
Post by: corsican dave on October 21, 2016, 04:12:06 PM
Quote from: Lochan_load on October 21, 2016, 02:40:19 PM
Quick squizz on eBay and saw this bug that bonds, is this the kit you bought dave? (

aye, that's the one. don't know why it didn't show on my search, but that's the one. and yep, it cures clear.
Title: Re: Uv cure resin
Post by: Lochan_load on October 21, 2016, 04:39:19 PM
I'm gong to order the cheapo one up there at a tenner, chances are it's a Chinese number, if it's good happy days and I'll feedback, if not it's only a tenner!
Title: Re: Uv cure resin
Post by: shad on October 21, 2016, 07:19:12 PM

I like the bug that bonds stuff, have had a few uv torches and find the  laser pen ones the best .
Title: Re: Uv cure resin
Post by: Lochan_load on October 30, 2016, 12:45:15 PM
Just a wee revisit to say I got the cheap resin I posted the link to above, 30 ml of the resin and a torch for under a tenner delivered. Came within a couple of days. The resin appeared slightly cloudy when I first looked at it on the little brush but it drys clear. I have no point of reference but it seems pretty good. The torch that came with it doesn't seem particularly powerful so I've ordered a laser pen version as recommended above, I'm hoping this will speed up the drying as I've noticed if you work straight away you can smudge the nice shiny finish e.g. If you try and put a hackle straight on after sealing a tinsel body.
Anyway in terms of it doing the job it's designed for and value this seems pretty good.
Title: Re: Uv cure resin
Post by: mattheweastham on November 26, 2016, 02:03:42 PM
I had a bit of an eye opener recently. Having tried a few different resins and not finding a great deal of difference between they all dried a bit tacky at times, I was talking to a fellow tyer at a recent demo day and he showed me his mains adapted Bug Bond torch. Not cheap, this - the torch plus mains adaption plus foot pedal to operate comes in at not much change from £100.....but by Christ it is different league when it comes to curing UV resin, tack free and hard as a rock! I tried it with what I was using at the time (Deer Creek fine) and in a few seconds the results were as good as leaving the flies on a sunlit window ledge for a few hours.

Difficulty I have is parting with the cash. I don't use resin all that much in my tying - just a handful of nymph patterns - and can't really justify to the missus spending that much on a weeny little torch. Maybe one day.....

Title: Re: Uv cure resin
Post by: JayP on November 26, 2016, 03:07:25 PM
I've used the one below before which was far too thick and never seemed to dry properly no matter how long I held the torch to it. Interested in others experiences especially with light resin (
Title: Re: Uv cure resin
Post by: rannoch raider on November 26, 2016, 08:28:46 PM
Quote from: Lochan_load on October 30, 2016, 12:45:15 PM
Just a wee revisit to say I got the cheap resin I posted the link to above, 30 ml of the resin and a torch for under a tenner delivered. Came within a couple of days. The resin appeared slightly cloudy when I first looked at it on the little brush but it drys clear. I have no point of reference but it seems pretty good. The torch that came with it doesn't seem particularly powerful so I've ordered a laser pen version as recommended above, I'm hoping this will speed up the drying as I've noticed if you work straight away you can smudge the nice shiny finish e.g. If you try and put a hackle straight on after sealing a tinsel body.
Anyway in terms of it doing the job it's designed for and value this seems pretty good.

Hey Andy, If you do smudge the shiny finish on Bug Bond you can do a wee restoration by rubbing it with some of the clear alcohol gel hand cleaners applied and wiped off with a soft cloth. It will not get you a 'diamond '  finish but it does improve it significantly. ;-)