The Wild Fishing Forum

Open Forums => Open Boards Viewable By Guests => Gear => Topic started by: SoldierPmr on May 31, 2017, 03:28:44 PM

Title: Crushed rod
Post by: SoldierPmr on May 31, 2017, 03:28:44 PM
I managed for the first time to close the boot of the car on the 2nd section of my 7ft rod. Its still in one piece but has multiple fractures. Until I can order a new bit will strong tape stop the rod from exploding if I was to use it?
Title: Re: Crushed rod
Post by: Bobfly on May 31, 2017, 03:32:13 PM
I would try using some split sections from between joints from a bamboo cane and tape them tightly on as splints across the break. Might do as a temporary repair with a bit of luck.