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Open Forums => Open Boards Viewable By Guests => Flies And Tying => Topic started by: bluezulu on May 17, 2006, 06:52:58 PM

Title: Green tailed Kate
Post by: bluezulu on May 17, 2006, 06:52:58 PM
I've always considered the Kate Mclaren a bit of a banker and its rarely off my cast for loch fishing. But i notice a lot of people endorsing a green tailed variety.

are we talking fluorescent green here?

not that my fly tying skills are up to a kate mclaren (hackle troubles) but so i know what i'm looking for...
Title: Green tailed Kate
Post by: Fierybroon on May 17, 2006, 07:16:32 PM
Definatly flourescent green.Thanks to Johnsd for the donation at Eigheach.Never fished one before and what a difference.
Title: Green tailed Kate
Post by: ten boaber on May 18, 2006, 12:41:30 AM
Definately the green tailed one early in the season
By the middle to late summer I tend to move back to the
other one.
Title: Green tailed Kate
Post by: Storr on May 18, 2006, 01:11:34 AM
Tail of Glo-Brite No 8 also works well from June onwards.
Title: Green tailed Kate
Post by: bluezulu on May 18, 2006, 10:06:35 AM
ok, stupid question time: so the green tail on this ends up looking like the tail on a zulu (except for the colour obviously) rather than the fine tippet tail of the original Kate?
Title: Green Tailed Kate
Post by: tammytroot on May 18, 2006, 11:34:45 AM
Another useful variationis Sunburst Orange Marabou. Very useful on Carron Valley.
                      Tight Lines To You All,
                                                Tammy Troot.
Title: Green tailed Kate
Post by: Storr on May 19, 2006, 01:50:12 AM
Hear is my Kate with No 8 Glo-Brite floss tail.

Title: Green tailed Kate
Post by: Storr on May 19, 2006, 08:39:42 PM
As the Kate has more than stood the test of time over the years and as we are all friends I have decided to reveal probably my two most successful variants of this excellent allrounder. This first one I have called my "SPECIAL KATE". Since I first featured this one in an article in FF&FT a few years back it has proved very succesful for all who have tried it.


TAIL: GP Crest dyed Sunburst
RIB: Fine gold wire - Rear Half only
BODY: Rear half only - Black Seals Fur
BODY: Front Half - 3 turns of soft black hen with 3 turns of soft brown hen in front. I prefer to use hen neck hackles.
Finally ad a pair of JC cheeks to complete the fly.

I will post my other favourite variant, the "Claret Kate" later this evening.
Title: Green tailed Kate
Post by: Ian_M on May 19, 2006, 09:17:36 PM
Must say that fly looks a real killer and beautifully tied as well.
Title: Green tailed Kate
Post by: Gander on May 20, 2006, 02:18:35 PM
I have used number 12 Globrite floss on this pattern for years. Read recently that the number 11 shade is better on the surface, with number 12 being more effective deeper down. I tied up a handful with number 11 tails last night; gave them a ginger hackle for a change also.

Been toying with the idea of a claret version, so I'm looking forward to seeing Gerry's.
Title: Gerry's Claret Kate
Post by: Storr on May 20, 2006, 10:53:44 PM
As promised here is my second Kate variant the "Claret Kate". I tried many variations with Claret head hackles in various forms, and a Claret seals fur body but all seemed to kill the pattern and after several tyings throughout most of 2004 this pattern with just a hint of Claret started producing the goods. Perfect on a dull overcast day or when daylight starts to fade. Has taken fish in every position.


HOOK: KAMASAN B175 or equivalent. 10 - 14
TAIL: GP Crest dyed Electric Hot Red
BUTT: Two turns of gold tinsel
BODY: Black Seals fur
RIB: Fine gold wire
BODY HACKLE: Red game dyed Claret.
HEAD HACKLE: Nat Brown Hen from a hen neck.

Title: Green tailed Kate
Post by: ChildOfTheMist on May 26, 2006, 12:17:28 PM

any recommendations as to where I can buy some green-tailed Kate's?

I'd love to be able to tie them myself but I've never tied a flee in ma puff...

I can find a few but I'd rather hear recommendations as to where I'll find guid quality flies.

Many thanks,

Title: Green tailed Kate
Post by: ChildOfTheMist on May 26, 2006, 12:44:43 PM
Thanks John,

Exactly what I'm after. Many thanks for the link.

Title: Green tailed Kate
Post by: bluezulu on May 26, 2006, 11:16:20 PM
just awaiting my first order from gerry myself...if the fish think they look half as good as i think they look then i'll be fighting them off.

should have ordered some of those claret kates i think....
Title: Green tailed Kate
Post by: Storr on May 27, 2006, 12:15:20 PM
Blue Zulu
Confirm your Name by PM an if order has not been despatched will put in a Claret Kate.
Title: Green tailed Kate
Post by: Sodger Muddler on May 30, 2006, 11:52:31 AM
I tied a dozen GTK over the weekend  6 size 10 6 size 12,3 of each with JC cheeks .I had a good day yesterday taking fish on the GTK on the bob and the tail just shows how versatile she is  :wink:
Title: Green tailed Kate
Post by: Gander on June 07, 2006, 10:52:01 AM
I'm just back from Caithness. My fly of the trip was a green tailed Kate: number 11 floss with a ginger cock hackle. First time I have ever caught more fish on a middle dropper fly than the point and top dropper put together.

Full report will be out in some form later.