The Wild Fishing Forum

Open Forums => Open Boards Viewable By Guests => Open Board => Topic started by: Scozzie on November 07, 2017, 09:33:54 AM

Title: Am I doing it wrong
Post by: Scozzie on November 07, 2017, 09:33:54 AM
Hey guys just been on to another flyfishing forum looking for some advice about an up coming trip I'm planning down this end of the world I didn't request any specific close guarded secrets just info about flytying and accomodation in general I've just been back on the site and the locals for want of a better word were slaughtering a couple of guys who were there on holiday and were reporting on places they fished the weather and a few other pointers then it struck me that I had just done the same thing about a recent trip back home my next question is did I do wrong when I was home I bumped into a couple of South African anglers up north and we got yacking as you do they weren't doing so well so gave them a couple of flies off the cast I was using and gave them a few lochs  to try to see if it got better results for them but maybe I'm not getting the point I thought all fly anglers would help each other if they could am I too old school in my thinking  maybe things have changed I hope not the only helpful advice I got was from a guy from the Scottish  borders who had to secretly pm me with his experiences last year in case the locals found out this area makes millions of dollars yearly from visiting anglers they don't complain about the Kerching in the economy which would more than likely be almost dead without the anglers and other tourists they complain about visiting anglers ruining their favourite spots but will gladly take 900 dollars to show you ? So what's your thoughts are the Scots a more tolerant race I certainly think so
Title: Re: Am I doing it wrong
Post by: Robbie on November 07, 2017, 01:48:05 PM
I would have no problem giving someone a few flies and a pointer to waters worth having a cast on, however unless it is someone I know well and trusted I would not be giving away any "good" lochs. Even then there are some lochs I tell no one about. Some places are just too special to put at risk.
Title: Re: Am I doing it wrong
Post by: johnny boy on November 07, 2017, 02:42:27 PM
Have a look at the 'Lewis Trip' thread, various anglers provided as much advice and comment on where to fish and what to target to cover weeks worth of fishing.

There are spots here (Isle of Lewis) that every local knows about so why not post it openly to visiting anglers?  I admit to asking to be PM'd for my own 'special few' spots that have taken years to find and provided maps showing hotspots to those who contacted me.

I suppose there will always be those who don't want to share but you wont find that many on this forum, be it via PM or openly.

Title: Re: Am I doing it wrong
Post by: haresear on November 07, 2017, 05:46:53 PM
Scozzie I assume you are talking about  a NZ forum? Steve Gerard's flyshop perchance?
I saw an amusing quote from a North Island NZ guide just today. It goes something like this .."South island prostituted itself by proclaiming itself as the best fishing in the world...and the world came".
There is some truth in this. These days there are lots of videos, many of which are produced by guides looking to raise their profile with a view to getting bookinģs. They obviously show the fishing at its best.
NZ or at least south island is a lot busier with anglers seeking the holy grail these days. This is without a shadow of a doubt down to the internet. Not everyone who goes to NZ can afford or feels the need to use a guide, but they need to know where to start in terms if locations and techniques.
Speaking specifically about NZ, the rivers generally have far fewer fish in them than we do in the UK. There are exceptions but that is the rule.

You can see why kiwis get protective about their fishing spots. On any of the hallowed rivers if I bump into an angler he is more likely to be from the U.S. or the U.K. than a kiwi.
Now if all of these anglers name the rivers in their reports anybody such as yourself or I gets some free useful info.
Great for visiting anglers. But not so great if you are a local.

I was fishing in NZ in February. If you read my report you will see that I have avoided naming most of the waters. Some are common knowledge but most I don't name.

That is also why I rarely post reports on this or any forum now. One river I used to fish often has become a "destination" and at prime dry fly time there are guided
and unguided parties on it day after day for weeks on end.

Any of you who know me will I hope agree that I am free with advice and get pleasure out of getting people on to fish, but I draw the line at putting specific locations out there for general consumption.

Title: Re: Am I doing it wrong
Post by: Wildfisher on November 07, 2017, 06:04:44 PM
Quote from: haresear on November 07, 2017, 05:46:53 PM
"South island prostituted itself by proclaiming itself as the best fishing in the world...and the world came".

Not a problem we have here now that the once fabulous salmon and sea trout fishing is pretty much screwed.  I have to say the hypocrisy of some guides makes me laugh. As Scozzie says it seems to be a case of keep the waters quiet and secret until  the price is right.   :lol:

Title: Re: Am I doing it wrong
Post by: haresear on November 07, 2017, 07:37:02 PM
Quote from: admin on November 07, 2017, 06:04:44 PM
Not a problem we have here now that the once fabulous salmon and sea trout fishing is pretty much screwed.  I have to say the hypocrisy of some guides makes me laugh. As Scozzie says it seems to be a case of keep the waters quiet and secret until  the price is right.   :lol:

Got to agree with that. It is the guides and lodge/tour operators that draw attention to their big fish waters. The same applies to a lot of other countries of course but in many of these cases the waters are private so less sensitive to pressure from non-guided anglers.

Title: Re: Am I doing it wrong
Post by: Wildfisher on November 07, 2017, 07:44:44 PM
Quote from: haresear on November 07, 2017, 07:37:02 PM
The same applies to a lot of other countries of course but in many of these cases the waters are private so less sensitive to pressure from non-guided anglers.

In theory it should not be a problem in Scotland where just about all fishing is private.
Title: Re: Am I doing it wrong
Post by: corsican dave on November 07, 2017, 09:28:49 PM
Quote from: haresear on November 07, 2017, 05:46:53 PM
If you read my report you will see that I have avoided naming most of the waters. Some are common knowledge but most I don't name.

Any of you who know me will I hope agree that I am free with advice and get pleasure out of getting people on to fish, but I draw the line at putting specific locations out there for general consumption.

me too.  sorry if that rankles, but there's little enough fishing out there that hasn't been plundered by the unscrupulous. i'm especially careful with pike info as there are a lot of folks out there who will kill them for the sake of it or transport them to where they're not wanted
Title: Re: Am I doing it wrong
Post by: haresear on November 07, 2017, 09:49:43 PM
Quote from: corsican dave on November 07, 2017, 09:28:49 PM
me too.  sorry if that rankles, but there's little enough fishing out there that hasn't been plundered by the unscrupulous. i'm especially careful with pike info as there are a lot of folks out there who will kill them for the sake of it or transport them to where they're not wanted

True on the pike thing Dave. That has changed hugely since we (a few like minded pike nuts) started the Glasgow PAC all those years ago. It is secret squirrel stuff now.

Title: Re: Am I doing it wrong
Post by: rannoch raider on November 07, 2017, 10:04:34 PM
I think it has to be secret squirrel stuff these days Alex. I know lots of places , large and small that were once full of decent pike that are finished as worthwhile pike waters now. It has become a much sought after fish and unfortunately it attract its fair share of bams who are 'only there for the beer' who can't handle them correctly and often leave inadequate terminal gear in them. There are also a great many of our foreign friends who keep them for the table regardless of size.
Title: Re: Am I doing it wrong
Post by: haresear on November 07, 2017, 11:17:24 PM
Quote from: rannoch raider on November 07, 2017, 10:04:34 PM
I think it has to be secret squirrel stuff these days Alex. I know lots of places , large and small that were once full of decent pike that are finished as worthwhile pike waters now. It has become a much sought after fish and unfortunately it attract its fair share of bams who are 'only there for the beer' who can't handle them correctly and often leave inadequate terminal gear in them. There are also a great many of our foreign friends who keep them for the table regardless of size.

Tell me about it Jim :roll:
Once upon a time I had a choice of decent to very good pike waters to choose from. We hardly ever saw anyone else pike fishing apart from the English contingent up for their closed season on Lomond. Even in those days I gave nothing away. I once won fish of the week "from a Stirlingshire water". It was Lomond. Well some of it is in Stirlingshire anyway :)
Changed days now.  You just need to google pike fishing in Scotland to see some of the ned numpties it seems to attract. Maybe it is the fact that you can sit for hours drinking and still catch fish that attracts these types...

Title: Re: Am I doing it wrong
Post by: corsican dave on November 08, 2017, 12:01:11 AM
Quote from: haresear on November 07, 2017, 11:17:24 PM
Tell me about it Jim :roll:
Once upon a time I had a choice of decent to very good pike waters to choose from. We hardly ever saw anyone else pike fishing apart from the English contingent up for their closed season on Lomond. Even in those days I gave nothing away. I once won fish of the week "from a Stirlingshire water". It was Lomond. Well some of it is in Stirlingshire anyway :)
Changed days now.  You just need to google pike fishing in Scotland to see some of the ned numpties it seems to attract. Maybe it is the fact that you can sit for hours drinking and still catch fish that attracts these types...


don't start me, or i'll have to mention "trad" carp fishers....  :lol:
Title: Re: Am I doing it wrong
Post by: haresear on November 08, 2017, 01:06:42 AM
Quote from: corsican dave on November 08, 2017, 12:01:11 AM
don't start me, or i'll have to mention "trad" carp fishers....  :lol:

You rebel you :lol:

Title: Re: Am I doing it wrong
Post by: Scozzie on November 08, 2017, 07:22:18 AM
Great replies not sure now about posting about fishing days might just keep to the rule of if asked give info if not don't and it was a nz forum I'll just go anyway and wander around if I get any fish all good if not I won't be crying going for the fresh air and solitude that's why I flyfish certainly not going with the expectations of 10 lb plus fish and bin bags full
Title: Re: Am I doing it wrong
Post by: Wildfisher on November 08, 2017, 07:42:35 AM
Scozzie, the best thing about NZ  is the vast choice. Go where you wish when you choose. That as much  as the size of the fish is what makes it special in fact for me it's the most important thing along with the matchless scenery. If it was as feudal, petty and restrictive as Scotland with every laird jealously guarding their own tiny patch I would not go. That said I don't blame the lairds, in their position I'd be the same - in fact knowing what I know about the ordinary angler masses I'd likely be worse.  :lol:
Title: Re: Am I doing it wrong
Post by: Scozzie on November 08, 2017, 09:08:10 AM
Totally agree as I once owned and operated a fishery in Scotland for many years iv probably seen more bad than good anglers to be honest but I'm too old and set in my ways now to be bothered I used to work in the shipyards and all I longed for at the weekend was peace and quite that's the main reason I took up flyfishing but I will still do a wee report about my trip to South Island can't help myself