The Wild Fishing Forum

Open Forums => Open Boards Viewable By Guests => Gear => Topic started by: Bobfly on January 07, 2019, 07:09:38 PM

Title: Hooks Encyclopedia !!!
Post by: Bobfly on January 07, 2019, 07:09:38 PM
Mention in the FF&FT magazine today of a website which catalogues thousands of hooks allowing size and shape comparison.     Had a look and long long makers lists and pattern types. Quite a remarkable collation of a vast amount of info. Amazing labour by somebody  :D
Title: Re: Hooks Encyclopedia !!!
Post by: Highlander on January 09, 2019, 02:33:04 PM
Well that was comprehensive to say the least. Makes me think though how few actual companies make hooks as many of them as are like peas in a pod and are simply badged with sellers name. I would guess around five actual manufacturers.
Mustad & maybe 3-4 Chinese/Japanese units.

Tight Lines
Title: Re: Hooks Encyclopedia !!!
Post by: sagecirca on January 09, 2019, 08:34:26 PM
I can get 1000 hooks for a fiver from the same factory that makes the current 'must have' hooks from Fasna. A mate orders 200,000 each year and sells them onto the Scottish teams and local tackle shops and makes a right few bob.
Title: Re: Hooks Encyclopedia !!!
Post by: rannoch raider on January 10, 2019, 04:07:12 AM
That's quite ridiculous ! I think we all realise that anything "anglers" buy from clothing to headlamps jumps up in price by around 50% when it's preceded by the word " fishing".