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Open Forums => Open Boards Viewable By Guests => Open Board => Topic started by: Wildfisher on January 13, 2023, 12:31:29 PM

Title: My Carbon Footprint
Post by: Wildfisher on January 13, 2023, 12:31:29 PM
I feel I owe my friends a deep and sincere apology as, after reviewing my carbon footprint over the past 5 years, it is clear I have been letting the side down.

Not only do I live in a well insulated house that is easy to heat, last year I drove only 3,500 miles between MOTs. This would be bad enough, but it gets even more shameful.

Believe it or not I have not been on a plane since 2018! Yes I know it's hard to believe but for the past 5 years I have been earthbound. Not only that, over the same period I have not taken a single holiday in the UK, fishing or otherwise.

Now, while some may argue my life has been one long holiday for many decades, it's still nothing to be proud of. However by way of defence I would propose that no matter where I go in Scotland the fishing is pretty unremarkable by any standard,  so I might as well just walk over the road and fish The Lunan over which I do have a certain knowledge and mastery.

Anyhow, resolution is at hand. In a few short weeks I'll be boarding a plane for New Zealand and in an honest attempt and gesture to make up for my disgraceful carbon deficit of the past 5 years I will be throwing in an additional inter-island flight.

Hopefully the above restorative measures, along with a lot of totally unnecessary driving around in the gas-guzzling 4X4 s we are hiring, will go some way to upwardly-normalise my carbon footprint.

Thank you so much  for your indulgence.  8)

Title: Re: My Carbon Footprint
Post by: Fishtales on January 13, 2023, 01:29:15 PM
Sorry, but that wont work. You will have already offset your carbon footprint with your prudence leading up to your trip and any excess will be nullified in the weeks/months after you return home  :)
Title: Re: My Carbon Footprint
Post by: Bobfly on January 13, 2023, 02:24:21 PM
Hot travelling tip from the ever accurate Viz magazine would be to wear all possible clothing on the flights out and back. You and your clothing will not be weighed and your baggage will be mysteriously light but the only record of your profligacy. You will have bragging rights that you have been away to NZ and only took 9 kilos for the whole trip.
Title: Re: My Carbon Footprint
Post by: Wildfisher on January 13, 2023, 02:59:53 PM
On my first trip in 2009 we did something like that Vaughan. The 20KG limit was just too tight. From 2010 onwards the allowance was increased to 30KG and all was well. :)