The Wild Fishing Forum

Open Forums => Open Boards Viewable By Guests => Open Board => Topic started by: Wildfisher on April 23, 2023, 11:21:37 AM

Question: What do we do with the forum?
Option 1: Upgrade it and keep it open votes: 36
Option 2: Dump it votes: 0
Title: Do You Want To Save The Forum?
Post by: Wildfisher on April 23, 2023, 11:21:37 AM
Activity seems to have increased a bit as we approach D-Day (destruction day)

Most are pretty downbeat about losing this vast archive, the most common reason for the lack of activity being the creaky old software which is years behind FB, FFF etc.  Posting images from mobile devices especially is a total nightmare.

So here is the deal and your chance to save it. Make your choice in the poll. Do we upgrade and try it or just kill it?  It's up to you. Of course there is no point in saving it unless it gets more use – that's also up to you. It is a horrible phrase, but it holds true  nonetheless  - it's your forum so - "use it or lose it".

In the meantime the backroom staff will have a look at the newest version of the forum software and see if it does what we need it to do.

The poll will close in 7 days
Title: Re: Do You Want To Save The Forum?
Post by: IanR on April 23, 2023, 12:44:54 PM
I was hoping to post numerous successful  :) reports for an upcoming four or five week trip to the NW Highlands, Orkney, etc., in June/July, so I've voted to keep it   :)
Title: Re: Do You Want To Save The Forum?
Post by: burnie on April 23, 2023, 02:17:21 PM
I think it would be a shame to lose it, as soon as I am fit enough I'll do some posting Fred, better let us know what the cast will be so we can chip in.
Title: Re: Do You Want To Save The Forum?
Post by: Wildfisher on April 23, 2023, 02:49:59 PM
The initial tests of the new software are encouraging. Uploading images is much easier especially from phones. All resizing etc is automatic and not only as easy as FB but much more flexible regarding how you want the page to look. Well impressed!  :)
Title: Re: Do You Want To Save The Forum?
Post by: Crawhin on April 23, 2023, 04:31:11 PM
Definitely up for keeping the forum alive if the software can be made to work. And as I'm back in the UK for next few years I'd hope to do a bit more posting of trip reports and other posts myself. But we'll clearly need to get some new blood in with new members to make it viable going forward. Sounds positive though  :)
Title: Re: Do You Want To Save The Forum?
Post by: Wildfisher on April 23, 2023, 04:36:42 PM
Sandy and I are currently playing with a test install of the new software Ian. It looks a lot more user friendly with many of the features this version lacked and required me to modify the source code. That made applying security updates a nightmare. I just hope we can migrate all the topics and posts without losing too much.
Title: Re: Do You Want To Save The Forum?
Post by: arawa on April 23, 2023, 05:05:31 PM
Voted "yes" and happy to contribute to any costs.
Title: Re: Do You Want To Save The Forum?
Post by: scoobyscott on April 23, 2023, 09:22:05 PM
I would like it kept. Was just casually dropping in and out from time to time taking it for granted. Dont like the thought if it not being there
Title: Re: Do You Want To Save The Forum?
Post by: Hoolet on April 23, 2023, 09:24:34 PM
Me too,
Terrible at posting but can do better, also happy to help with costs, we've a vast reservoir of knowledge here.

Title: Re: Do You Want To Save The Forum?
Post by: SoldierPmr on April 24, 2023, 04:52:03 PM
Another one for being guilty of lurking and not posting. I just don't get as much fishing done now. (Still to go out this season). I was also aware that I keep posting on the same waters. I'm hoping to get a bit more fishing and reports  done in the warmer months in some of the Brecon reservoirs.
Title: Re: Do You Want To Save The Forum?
Post by: ianmck on April 24, 2023, 10:58:11 PM
I haven't done a lot of fishing recently, but it's the forum that always gets me back in the mood after reading through old trip reports. It would be a shame to lose it.
Title: Re: Do You Want To Save The Forum?
Post by: Wildfisher on April 25, 2023, 09:10:18 AM
Nice to see you back Ian. :)

It's also great to see such overall positivity for the forum
Title: Re: Do You Want To Save The Forum?
Post by: east wind on April 28, 2023, 03:52:06 PM
My tuppence worth.
A few times the forum has come close to ending followed by a short increase in activity and well meaning pledges from members to get active, myself included, then a return to the issues presented as before.
I would be for paying an annual subscription bringing in funds to run the site and with an investment members might feel motivated to get involved more. Access to all, or the important stuff to paid up members only.
This would trim the membership but how many of them don't contribute anyway? Better a smaller active group paying a small fee than the alternative.
I would also condense topics or remove them.
It would be a pity to loose the info on here, as good as or better than you will find in any book, video or website.
Title: Re: Do You Want To Save The Forum?
Post by: Wildfisher on April 28, 2023, 06:28:35 PM
Some fresh ideas there Mac. We have 1200 registered members, but most will never be back. Some are trolls with multiple accounts, some have simply moved on. Sadly a few have passed away.

Funding  was never an issue. We never sold advertising like FFF and a few others and were never beholding to anyone. When the cash run down the same group of members always came good.

As I have said previously, commercial sites like FFF are incentivised to keep the tech up to date and some even tolerate atrocious behaviour to keep visits and participation up in order to justify ad charging. We never did this.

Keep the ideas coming folks but more than anything keep the posts coming. We want the forum to be active and more that just an archive.

One thing we need to decide is who gets to see what and when and that is a difficult one as historically much of the interesting content was posted on the understanding it would be kept within a group of trusted members.

Personally I love the no real name (with a few exceptions)  policy where we made up inventive names like "Loch Of Storms" and the like or the thread titles based on songs. These touches were often amusing and characterful. You just didn't find this elsewhere. :)
Title: Re: Do You Want To Save The Forum?
Post by: caorach on April 28, 2023, 08:44:24 PM
I think the forum is probably worth keeping Fred but in some way it is a bit like our videos:

There are videos on YouTube getting millions or even billions of views but my videos, mostly wild fishing on Lewis, get maybe 1k views under normal circumstances. I have to accept that the audience for wild fishing on Lewis is limited but despite the small viewing figures the people who watch tend to be pleased to get to see Lewis fishing and the videos attract an "interested" audience and so are of some value to a small number of people. Having a small number of viewers for a relatively specialist subject can simply mean that the video is valuable to the right people.

I guess it is a bit the same with the forum - if it is useful for 20 or 30 people is it worth having? In the end it is you who does the work so only you can answer that but, in a way, I think if it has value to people who are pretty much detached from the "mainstream" of fishing then maybe that is worthwhile.
Title: Re: Do You Want To Save The Forum?
Post by: burnie on April 28, 2023, 10:03:15 PM
What sets this forum apart from a lot is we are not just virtual posters, I have met and been fishing with a few of them and it makes a difference. Sure it's a shame forums are now seen as old school and numbers are falling, but I'm old school and am sadly getting used to life mimicking this. Attending more funerals than weddings and christenings these days.
This is a useful resource as well a place to have a blether, videos, reports and the opportunity to arrange a days fishing, whats not to like. I can talk the back legs off a donkey so could just convert that to stories if they are wanted.
Title: Re: Do You Want To Save The Forum?
Post by: zeolite on April 29, 2023, 09:13:39 AM
Hei hei
Life has been brutal for me for the last few months and I havent been fishing since breaking my rod in September. However my work situation has been resolved and I will be heading back to Scotland in the summer. I expect to be out on my local Leven river in July and hopefully getting back to some form of happiness.
Title: Re: Do You Want To Save The Forum?
Post by: Wildfisher on April 29, 2023, 09:17:49 AM
Good to see you back Ian and hope things go well for you. :) 
Title: Re: Do You Want To Save The Forum?
Post by: Wildfisher on April 29, 2023, 10:12:28 AM
Quote from: burnie on April 28, 2023, 10:03:15 PM
What sets this forum apart from a lot is we are not just virtual posters, I have met and been fishing with a few of them and it makes a difference.

For sure. It was always more than just another forum.

More like a club.

A gentleman's club with fine malts and leather chairs that doesn't  let just anyone in.  ;D
Title: Re: Do You Want To Save The Forum?
Post by: Wildfisher on April 29, 2023, 11:31:21 AM
Last day of voting!  Although things already look conclusive.  ;)
Title: Re: Do You Want To Save The Forum?
Post by: IanR on April 29, 2023, 07:37:16 PM
Blast from the past   :D

Just been having a bit of a clear out, and found this.

Just a reminder of how long this forum has been going, in one incarnation or another  :)

Title: Re: Do You Want To Save The Forum?
Post by: Highlander on April 29, 2023, 07:42:36 PM
Continue for me it is a vast info of knowledge for anyone who cares to look. Would be sad to lose it all and if it does go ahead then let me know about donations
Title: Re: Do You Want To Save The Forum?
Post by: burnie on April 29, 2023, 07:53:54 PM
Quote from: IanR on April 29, 2023, 07:37:16 PM
Blast from the past   :D

Just been having a bit of a clear out, and found this.

Just a reminder of how long this forum has been going, in one incarnation or another  :)

I got one of those stitched on my fishing waistcoat.
Title: Re: Do You Want To Save The Forum?
Post by: Wildfisher on April 29, 2023, 08:03:50 PM
My god that badge takes me back!  ;)
Title: Re: Do You Want To Save The Forum?
Post by: Wildfisher on April 29, 2023, 08:07:02 PM
The name was changed from "wild-fishing-Scotland" to "wildfisher" to be a bit less "clunky" Can't remember when that was.
Title: Re: Do You Want To Save The Forum?
Post by: Bobfly on April 29, 2023, 09:19:53 PM
Mine stiched onto an oiled cotton hat.
Title: Re: Do You Want To Save The Forum?
Post by: Wildfisher on April 30, 2023, 07:50:55 AM
That's the poll locked and over although the thread remains open.

The result by those who voted is unanimous. The forum stays.

I'll start the upgrade process over the next few days, starting with a major backup today.

Feel free to continue posting.
Title: Re: Do You Want To Save The Forum?
Post by: mattheweastham on April 30, 2023, 08:17:49 AM
I'd support keeping this forum live, and that means pulling my finger out and contributing a bit more regularly than I'll do my best.
I'd echo Caorach's comments a few posts back re the forum being of considerable value to a small number of individuals. I guess what we are interested in is 'niche within a niche' and in that sense is only ever going to appeal to a limited number of anglers. That doesn't mean it lacks value however.
Title: Re: Do You Want To Save The Forum?
Post by: Wildfisher on April 30, 2023, 09:35:49 AM
It's pissing rain again so might as well try the upgrade now. Posting  access will be locked for a time.

Assuming I don't trash the whole thing we shall see you later!  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Do You Want To Save The Forum?
Post by: arawa on April 30, 2023, 10:30:58 AM
Well it's all new for me!
Good work Fred and I will try to make your effort worthwhile by posting more.
Starting with drinking more whisky so I can provide more reviews😀
Title: Re: Do You Want To Save The Forum?
Post by: sagecirca on April 30, 2023, 09:20:24 PM
I have just realised my last post was around 6 months ago. Work and life getting in the way. Glad to see the forum will continue.