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Lakeland Fly Tying

Started by Wildfisher, September 28, 2009, 02:51:04 PM

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Do  they ever  have the all, or even some, of the  products  you are after in stock?  :?



I went to place an order today: 6  items, all out of stock..................... not the first time, in fact it happens most times.


I was looking for H2O polar fibre last year - Lakeland only had 2 out of over a dozen colours in stock :(. Emailled and was told they would be back soon  :). Bout a month later I googled for the stuff & found a stateside retailer who posted me a selection which arrived in less than a week :D :D . Cost half the price of lakeland and $3 postage for about 12 colours :shock:  :D :D :D :D. So Nigel wont get my custom again unless things improve :( :?


admin is dead right, they do have a stock problem. Been like that for some time now. All very well people singing the praises of Nigel when he can not even fulfil the most basic of requests. No point having a Rolls Royce is you cannae get spares
Tight Lines
" The Future's Bright The Future's Wet Fly"

Nemo me impune lacessit


True Brian and that must cost  them some business. On the other hand why do they do that?

Stuff on back order from other suppliers - say Sportfish for example -  means additional  post and packing charges on which they have to take the hit. I guess if Lakeland did  that with their stock problems  it would cost them a lot. As it is, if I  order in dribs and drabs as stuff comes into stock post and packing charges cost me a lot and make  already quite high  prices rather hefty.

Yeah, probably many folk don't like back orders either - you'll never please everyone.

They do offer a  good range, in theory anyway,  but honestly I've  had about enough now and  like Peter  I think I may look abroad for a more reliable alternative.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Clan Ford

I've yet to find a supplier with everything you could want on one site :(  The closest I've come is the polish sites:-  and

but the exchange rate isn't as attractive as it used to be :roll:  never had a problem with thier service though :D

I really like Hends products, they do some innovative stuff -  might just try your suggestion, Fachan.



With reference to Nigel and Lakeland Fly Tying, I have met him at his house/business - he is a one man band operating from his basement. Nice bloke, but as Fred said he rarely has what you need in stock.

His house/place of business is about 1/2 hour drive from mine - He doesn't usually allow anyone to visit.


I have used Lakeland Fly tying in the past and have always been happy with the service provided.  At least you are told that they don't have the items you want in stock before you order, instead of only finding out when only half the stuff you ordered turns up.

Also have to say that Lakeland are very efficient when it comes to dispatching orders, you never have to wait long.

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