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Dubbing Wax

Started by gasman, November 30, 2009, 10:11:03 AM

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Has any one tried to make there own Dubbing  Wax? I am using Veniard prepared fly tyers wax, at the moment but find it is not as  tackie as I would like, are there anyways to make this wax more tackier. :hat2; Thanks Gary


Why do you need it tackier gasman?


Quote from: scotfly on November 30, 2009, 10:31:15 PM
Why do you need it tackier gasman?
I was trying  to touch dub mole. The wax  tackie and soft, but just not tackie enough.                  Gary.


The only time I use it is for greenwells or waterhen bloa. I use cobblers wax and plenty of it. Having said that the piece I have will last me ma kids and ma grand kids lifetime. Usually takes the thread a couple of weeks to go that lovely olivy colour though.



Quote from: gasman on November 30, 2009, 11:29:07 PM
I was trying  to touch dub mole. The wax  tackie and soft, but just not tackie enough.                  Gary.

I see.
This is the stuff you want. Tacky for small flies and super tacky for larger flies. (Of course, you'll notice it's out of stock.  :roll:) Or the Wapsi one at the bottom of the page. (Out of stock too!)
Or you can use a Pritt stick.


Quote from: scotfly on December 01, 2009, 12:08:18 AM
Of course, you'll notice it's out of stock.
Or the Wapsi one at the bottom of the page. (Out of stock too!)

Now there's a surprise.

I have stopped even looking  at that site now, it just annoys the hell out of me. . :roll:

I just do without and for all practical purposes it's the same thing as trying to buy from them.

If there was ever an example of the need for commercial  competition  that's  got to be it.

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