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Hook sizes.

Started by JimJams, July 12, 2014, 02:56:30 PM

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How do you select what size hook to fish with? I have lots of tiny flies in my box that i've never used as it looks like even the smallest of fish would spit it out!

Basically im just wondering how important hook size is, am i going to lose the bigger fish as the small fly hook isn't big enough or what?

Sorry for sounding daft.

rannoch raider

I think the short answer is that the hook size / weight is usually determined by the pattern and what you are trying to imitate at the time. You needn't worry about the hook hold too much. A lot of big fish are caught on small hooks. Try to pick something similar in size to what you see the fish taking if you can. 


Thanks! Clears that up! Might actually catch fish now! ;) Had a nice browny onwednesday on my first cast! :)


It always amazes me that the small fiddly thing you produce at the vise looks as big as a shuttlecock when it lands on the water. I rarely seem to go bigger than a 14 hook, but even these look anchor like sometimes.


Nearly all of my fishing is on a tailwater and the insects are tiny.  Most of my flies are #22 to #26 with an occasional larger streamer or terrestrial.   When up in the mountain lakes I will use mostly #12 to #16.
The selected size is all down to matching the hatch.


I think an important thing when imitating insects is dressing the fly appropriate to the size of the hook. By that I mean there s no point in using a size 18 hook if the hackle you put on it is more suited to a size 14 hook. 


Thanks for the help! I'll give it a bash on the smaller hooks next time I'm out! :)

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