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Nothing But Initials

Started by Wildfisher, March 03, 2012, 10:14:16 AM

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<cynic mode on>  

Two or three letter initials behind product names really crack me up. Designed to be snappy, memorable, but are often vacuous or  just plain daft.

There is a long tradition of this  in all areas of consumer products: we have Gti and GTX cars, SLX  rods etc. Perhaps the most memorable in the world of fly fishing was XP behind that great Sage rod. I do wonder if it was chosen to give the impression of "high tech"  hanging on   Microsoft's  Windows XP – their first really good operating system?

Some company names are commonly abbreviated to three letters: NCR,  BMC, IBM etc. There was even a US manufacturer of dedicated word processing machines named NBI – which (no kidding) stood for Nothing But Initials.

Anyway, I'm thinking about "designing"   :roll:  another fly line and really do need a 3 letter suffix.  I like the NBI philosophy – it's amusing and honest, but already taken.

How about TMI -  Totally Meaningless Initials, TLI - Totally Lacking Imagination,   or even SSB -  Small Supplier Bullshit.

Suggestions please?

<cynic mode off>



TLA (pronounced Teelaahh).
Meaning- Three Letter Acronym

I always liked the notion that when dictating web addresses  "www" has more syllables that "world wide web".
'til a voice as bad as conscience,
rang interminable changes,
on an everlasting whisper,
day and night repeated so-
"Something hidden, go and find it,
Go and look beyond the ranges,
Something lost beyond the ranges,
Lost and waiting for you,


TCL- Trout Catching Line

The same goes with most things now, even clothes. I point blank refuse to wear clothes with huge logos or initials on them. Why should I pay to advertise them when I have already paid for them?



These are good and will be TTB (Tricky To Better).   :D

Keep them coming.  :lol:


HTS   ( High Tech String ).



Quote from: Mike Connor on March 03, 2012, 10:27:51 AM
HTS   ( High Tech String ).

Brilliant!   :lol:  Now THAT is honest!


FFS (no, not what you first thought!) Fly Fishing String.

(oops just saw Mike beat me to "string")
'til a voice as bad as conscience,
rang interminable changes,
on an everlasting whisper,
day and night repeated so-
"Something hidden, go and find it,
Go and look beyond the ranges,
Something lost beyond the ranges,
Lost and waiting for you,


MMH -   Meaningless Marketing Hype


WECAF - Wont Ever Cast Any Farther

WECAMF - Wont Ever Catch Any More Fish
Don't worry, be happy.
Carried it in full, then carry it out empty.

Looking for a webhost? Try


Sandy, that's cheating!  Three letters only please!   :lol:

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