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Started by goggs, April 08, 2012, 09:31:21 AM

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Where do you guys get your cock saddle capes? I would like to buy half capes as ive been spending a fortune on stuff recently,lol.....
Colours im after,golden olive,light blue dun and possibly claret.
Ive already contacted a guy called tom saville but he's £35-40 for the veniard premium capes..... Anyone Know where i can get Half capes? :?

This tying mallarky gets very addictive :lol:


Have a look here;

The Indian capes at 6.50 pounds are excellent.  There is no need to buy expensive "genetic" capes for most things.

If you think you need genetic hackles for some flies then get these ( check around for prices, I have only given two suppliers here. Prices do vary as you can see);  ( Note that this is for FOUR packets!)

You can dye a single feather using alcohol dye markers;

You can also blend these colours by using different coloured markers on the same feather. However you MUST! use the darker colour last as you will otherwise alter the tip colour of the lighter marker. Also, waiting until one colour is completely dry before applying the next is the best idea. Although you can "wet-blend" if you need to.



Thanks Mike,i like the sound of the cookshill stuff......I'll be getting an order in this week!!!! and ive saved those other links aswell :D



Quote from: goggs on April 09, 2012, 09:09:48 PM
Thanks Mike,i like the sound of the cookshill stuff......I'll be getting an order in this week!!!! and ive saved those other links aswell :D


My pleasure.  Steve Cooper  ( Cookshill) is a very nice bloke. He sells very good stuff.  The Indian capes are fine for the vast majority of flies. I am sure you will be pleased with them.  The "genetic" stuff has more or less taken over the market nowadays, but it is not essential.



Thanks again Mike,it was the old fella that started teaching me that led me to beleive i needed these grade 1 or 2 capes as thats what he was used to,the indian ones will do me fine :D


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