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Started by RichardSe, February 12, 2013, 10:32:26 PM

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Hi all, I have a sudden obsession with tying spiders, started when reading clippings from old f& ft magazines read that Arthur Cove used spiders in preference that lead onto reading Pritt, Edmonds & Lee and buying a few books on north country flies.
Have been tying loads in the last few weeks.
A few patterns use horsehair dressed over pearsalls silk.
Anyone know what part of the horse, colours preparation before use, is it worth the bother?

Ohh anyone know who may have snipe wings in stock I have not been able to find any at the major Internet suppliers.



bushy palmer


The horse hair I have is mane or tail. I have no idea which as it was taken from the barbed wire around a paddock. The stuff I have is black, brown and white (more a creamy off white). It was used in the Footballer nymph.
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Quote from: bushy palmer on February 12, 2013, 10:36:53 PM
Cue the Findus Puns :D

Not before he gets some decent replies please.
Don't worry, be happy.
Carried it in full, then carry it out empty.

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Quote from: RichardSe on February 12, 2013, 10:32:26 PM
Hi all, I have a sudden obsession with tying spiders, started when reading clippings from old f& ft magazines read that Arthur Cove used spiders in preference that lead onto reading Pritt, Edmonds & Lee and buying a few books on north country flies.
Have been tying loads in the last few weeks.
A few patterns use horsehair dressed over pearsalls silk.
Anyone know what part of the horse, colours preparation before use, is it worth the bother?

Ohh anyone know who may have snipe wings in stock I have not been able to find any at the major Internet suppliers.



If you are going to dress over silk then you want light translucent hair from the tail or mane. Stallion hair is better if from the tail, hair from mares tails tends to be weakened by urine. You can get good horsehair here;

Is it worth it?  That's up to you. I have not known such flies to be any more successful than those dressed with silk alone.  Long time since I even saw any.

Steve Cooper usually has snipe wings, or he will reserve you some if currently out of stock They are becoming increasingly difficult to obtain.


Thanks my partner knows a few horse owners and am persuading her to ask for tail hair, preferably stallion in grey , she is not really amused by this.

Agreed probably all unnecessary but I am obsessing about originality and had not come across any patterns using horsehair before but makes sense if it becomes translucent when wet.

Will try cooks hill tomorrow but  Snipe, waterhen and golden plover are out of stock most other stores, although when did you last see a moorhen, only one for me last season sadly disappearing fast.




You can sometimes find them on e-bay. The correct feathers for most patterns are from a jack snipe:

Common snipe is also used but was generally considered inferior for most patterns, can't say I ever noticed much difference.


Quote from: RichardSe on February 12, 2013, 10:54:48 PM
Thanks my partner knows a few horse owners and am persuading her to ask for tail hair, preferably stallion in grey , she is not really amused by this.

Agreed probably all unnecessary but I am obsessing about originality and had not come across any patterns using horsehair before but makes sense if it becomes translucent when wet.

Will try cooks hill tomorrow but  Snipe, waterhen and golden plover are out of stock most other stores, although when did you last see a moorhen, only one for me last season sadly disappearing fast.



Lots of things like this are becoming more and more difficult to source. The market for fly-dressing has expanded massively in recent years, a lot of stuff going to America.  Some Irish guys offer some good stuff regularly on e-bay, but I don't have an address handy. I will see if I can find it for you.


There was (and may still be) a shortage of good genetic saddle capes. They were making more selling them as hair extensions.  :roll:


Quote from: admin on February 12, 2013, 11:08:37 PM
There was (and may still be) a shortage of good genetic saddle capes. They were making more selling them as hair extensions.  :roll:

That's what they sell most of the horsehair for as well;

Apparently, most of the rest goes into frozen food.

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