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What Makes The Peter Ross Such A Bad Fly

Started by Wildfisher, January 08, 2006, 11:11:04 AM

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Silver, red and black, a  classic  trout catching combo

It therefore has to be the teal wing

Come to think of it, I am hard pressed to think of any teal winged fly that catches many fish.  :lol:


Quote from: zeoliteTeal, blue and silver takes many a sea-trout Fred!

sheesh! :D

Never! It's well known that's a myth that originated in teal farms.  :lol:


The ross ain't a bad fly at all,just the person who's fishing it :lol:let's face it,a lot of loch's we fish have numerous suicidal broonies that take almost anything that land's in the water,and if your no fishin it,you don't catch with it,again just a confidence thing :D
All the best


Funny you should say that Chris, only fish I have ever caught on   teal  winged flies  have been bandies on lochs like Meadie in Caithness.


Must admit to not fishing it much myself Fred,but one day spring's to mind on loch Maragan,managed to catch three better than average fish from this water on the ross,horses for courses i suppose,and every fly has it's day,would hardly be my first choice at the water's edge though,have to fish it more this season and see how it goes :D
All the best


Quote from: zeolite
QuoteNever! It's well known that's a myth that originated in teal farms.

Posted: Today, at 11:05 am

No myth Fred. I have caught a few myself on a T B and S. i have also caught sea-trout on a Peter Ross.
More unbelievably I have caught wild broonies (in a bow stocked pond) on a STANDARD Diawl bach (self tied). They ignored my pals blobs and dancers though.

Don't know about a teal farm but it will be the funny farm for you Fred if you keep this forum acrimony up. just cos you lost the argument with Malky........

No acrimony Ian, just some folk take things far too seriously. or perhaps have no sense of humour!  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


Quote from: shielfisherAhhh the dear old Peter Ross, how I hate it. It might have something to do with the fact then when I was younger I tied many many flies for an estate and they always put in an order for 10 dozen of the blighters :shock: There's no doubt it catches fish - let's face it flies like Ken Sinfoils fry is arguably a derivative of the Peter Ross (and it's possibly a better "catcher" of fish  :wink: ) but it's never found favour with me, even for sea trout (when there were Sea Trout to be caught over on the West Coast).
Essentially the Peter Ross has everything going for it, looks right and has all the "trigger" components but I'm pretty sure I can count on one hand how many fish I've caught on it.  But, it is popular and as long as folk fish it then it will catch fish - kind of like the Allys Shrimp, if everyone fishes it, it's bound to catch and figure in returns.
As for the teal series of flies I like, and still fish, the teal and green. A great fly which I have faith in - maybe I just should try the Peter Ross again :?:  Errrrrr, NO  :lol:

Hamish,  I think Chris hit the nail on  square the head. It?s a confidence thing. I have been fishing on and off since the ?60s and the peter Ross and other teal winged flies have been the least successful I have used. Of course, if you don?t use them you won?t catch on them, but when you ask a fellow angler that timeless question ?what did you catch it on? ? how often do you hear the words 'Peter Ross'?   It?s an odd thing the favourite pattern, no matter how attached one might become to a fly, how many fish you catch on it, you don?t have to look far to find someone who does not. Take the Silver Invicta for example. One of my most successful flies, but John, who fishes at the other end of the boat, seldom uses it as he has not found it very successful. It?s odd and it must come down to confidence.

And of course, teal wings  :lol:


Quote from: Bandy CatcherThere's no doubt it's a confidence thing. As you mention Fred, I have little confidence in the Silver Invicta, it just doesn't seem to work for me at all.
I'm going to add the Peter Ross, Diawl Bach and Silver Invicta to the fly swap flies, as flies I must catch on this season.

My poor wee Pearly Black Pennels are going to get roosty in my box, for a change this season!


The Peter  Ross should work I am going to tie up some and replace that  teal wing  with hen pheasant or black crow and see how it works. They say the barred teal represents a fish. That may be, but I have yet to see a  mackerel  in Loch na Bo  :lol:


The Peter Ross seems to have quite a debate on this site.Almost unknown for other flies.Never tried it yet,but a friend swears by it and the Dunkeld.

ten boaber

Never caught anything on a Peter Ross but again I don't fish it very often,
" Only when I'm struggling to touch fish"(obviously not very often :lol: )
It must be a confidence thing, I have caught a few fish on the Dunkeld but don't fish it often!!!???### Will try the Peter Ross more often and let you know

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