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Wall art

Started by SoldierPmr, April 10, 2014, 08:43:53 PM

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I am currently tying some flys to be framed on a A4 sheet and to be mounted on the wall behind my man chair. This is the list I have though I am open to suggestions.
Bibio, Zulu, blue Zulu, soldier palmer, bibio dabbler, claret bumble, mallard and claret, dubery, olive dabbler, claret dabbler, soldier palmer dabbler, kate dabbler, kate mclaren, bruiser, butcher, bloody butcher, king fisher butcher, peter Ross, blue teal and silver and black gnat.




Should look good ! Four rows of five or so. Have to have some sort of space in front before the glass?
I have a dozen big old salmon flies, some direct to gut, in a picture frame but they are fairly flat flies.
~  <°))))):><       ~   <°))))):><


Now we are getting into the realms of what I used to do.
Way back oh 30 years ago I used to make & frame fishing flies. From scratch I would make my own frames from moulding, tie the flies mainly traditional single Salmon but sometimes groups & mount them to coloured card with chamfered mount board to front to allow a gap between fly & glass. If anyone wants any pointers feel free to ask.
I gave it up after a few years not because they were not selling just that it got to much what with work & a young family at the time.
Funnily enough I am thinking about starting it again but this time buying ready made frames as it is quite expensive to make ones own from scratch.
On an aside another thing I am thinking about is taking a one day course in "Sewing Machines" There is a company in Glasgow that runs one day courses aimed at beginners & offers the basics to operate an Electric sewing machine correctly.
If I do I  am going to make  bespoke rod bags & reel pouches, something which I think is a wee niche market at the moment I could tap into.
See you can do these things now one has retired.

PS That might find that 20 flies would be a huge undertaking especially as a first go. I would suggest maybe 6-10 & tie them on larger hooks say size 8s
PPS You would use a mount board to create the space or you could use a "deep frame"
" The Future's Bright The Future's Wet Fly"

Nemo me impune lacessit


It's good that there is people with experience of doing this. I drafted out a plan and it works well 4 in rows but I could manage 5 and include march brown green wells etc. tying the flies isn't a problem for me though as I am constantly doing these patterns due too tree trouts. :lol:


I've done this a few times, the frames I use can be found at the link below and are deep enough that you do not need to "flatten" the fleas. The frame is supplied with and A4 aperture mount. All you have to do is find a means of holding the flees such that they stand proud of the background. I did this using 1cm lengths of small diameter brass tube, with a loop of finest tippet passing through and around the body of the flee, drilling and gluing these into thick card that provided the background. If your printer handles card you can set out the flee names as well. But you'll be smart enough to work out your own solution!"
'til a voice as bad as conscience,
rang interminable changes,
on an everlasting whisper,
day and night repeated so-
"Something hidden, go and find it,
Go and look beyond the ranges,
Something lost beyond the ranges,
Lost and waiting for you,


Sounds like a fun project. I would agree about tying larger than normal sizes, it is all about the visual effect.

You have done well to have this post live for more than 24 hours without anyone commenting on your choice of flies! Fred has a built in alarm system that alerts all global moderators to blatant use of the PR fly without permission.  :D



The Moderators considered this blatant abuse of forum rules with great care.
However, it is clear that in this case the flee in question will never be wet and will be sealed in a frame and only displayed in a private place not open to public view.
We will make an exception in this case, but be warned.
'til a voice as bad as conscience,
rang interminable changes,
on an everlasting whisper,
day and night repeated so-
"Something hidden, go and find it,
Go and look beyond the ranges,
Something lost beyond the ranges,
Lost and waiting for you,


Well I am going to Hell & Damnation. I once made a small frame with 6 Peter Ross's of different colourations.
Best frame I ever made was a photo of a large Salmon a guy caught with the actual fly he caught it on also in the frame.
Worked quite well that idea as was the cast of flies of a visit to Scourie also with an accompanying picture of some Trout lying in the heather. One to ponder for the future, your only limited by your own imagination.

Wee hints. Colour & choice of flies is most important. Some flies just do not "sit well"
Winged wets show best followed by hackles such as Blue Zulu etc
Lay out you flies before hand & do not bunch the colours up. You will want to name them if you want the best effect. I used Letraset or better still if you knew someone that likes Calligraphy. What I will do now though if I go ahead is use computer generated lettering picking a nice font in keeping with the subject lay out the flies names & insert the flies above lettering. If you are just keeping it simple & not naming them lay out the fly positions using a measured set square & mark with a light pencil mark.
Best way I found to attach a "Trout Fly" was this.

Equip: Needle & thread,dubbing needle & head varnish.

lay out flies as required & mark position with light pencil mark, Thread a needle with suitable coloured thread black or brown usually does fine,just to match the hook.Working from the front push needle into the card just where the eye meets the hook shank & again halfway at the bend. Make sure it touches metal. Turn card round to back & push thread & needle through the hole & back a gain forming a small loop at the front, similar at bend.
Position your fly within the small loops & from the back pull tight. The thread will trap the fly.
Tie a couple of overhand knots fairly tight to the card, not too tight or it will "pull through"
Going back to the front the fly will be secured. Now the reason for the second holes at the bend is that you can make fine adjustments to the fly so that is sits straight. When you are happy with position add a dab of head varnish to lock small knots at back. Just a wee drop. If you use too much it might wick through the card. Repeat for all flies.
Hope this is clear, it is a lot easier to show than type instructions.

Card colours best muted, a cream,light yellow or light blue work well but depends on colours you use for flies to give a nice effect. Bright harsh colours are seldom good

Good Luck

PS Might be a wee idea for a wee simple 1hr demo at EOS Stravaig one of the evenings

" The Future's Bright The Future's Wet Fly"

Nemo me impune lacessit


Thanks for the advice Highlander I've done my first 5 already on size 8s bigger than usual but not too huge. So I've done the bibio Zulu blue Zulu soldier palmer and dubery. That card idea is something I am going todo am also going to print a small sketch of a trout taking a fly in the bottom corner. I'm still not sure if too have 20 or 25 flies.


Good for you, keep us informed how you get on. I wee photo of the finished product would be nice.
Tight Lines

Remember: Fly choice, layout & colour are important to get best effect. Ones you have mentioned so far are fine. Draw a fine light pencil mark round the mount board that comes with the shop bought frame, That way you can get a perspective of where to place the flies. A good ruler is essential. A plastic set square is handy for lining up vertical & horizontal alignment of flies
" The Future's Bright The Future's Wet Fly"

Nemo me impune lacessit

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