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Streamers for brownies??!!

Started by Lochan_load, March 21, 2016, 05:34:09 PM

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How often do I have to tell you lot?  You only need 2 streamers.

1.  A big olive woolly bugger with white legs and a skull head
2. A Suzie

Get on board the winning bandwagon guys.   :lol:


I wish you'd told me before I tied that deer hair head  :roll:  :lol:

Any chance of a pic of the suzie?


Quote from: Lochan_load on March 22, 2016, 04:53:46 PM
Any chance of a pic of the suzie?

First you need a border collie like the one in my avatar with very fine hair and a good temperament (so that you don't get bitten as you approach with the scissors)  it helps if they have a gammy leg and can't run away. :lol:  I'll see if I can find a picture of the fly.


The Suzie

The Result 6lb Grey River N.Z. sea runner

PS they work better if you have one of those auld mannie beards.   :lol:

corsican dave

If people don't occasionally walk away from you shaking their heads, you're probably doing something wrong - John Gierach

corsican dave

this is a fun idea, too

#3 Miniaturize to the Max

Our next outside-the-box idea involves taking traditionally large patterns and tying them in the miniature. If you fish muskies, you know that large, multi-shank flies with plenty of reverse-tied bucktail and saddle feathers swim like eels and push a ton of water. And if you tie these flies yourself you know that the sheer amount of material affords interesting options when it comes to stacking and combining colors. So how about we try downsizing those big Bufords into trout- and bass-sized portions? Our early forays into mini musky flies are indeed telling us that these flies have a place on the end of your 7 weight.

While we're downsizing, take a look at your streamer box and ask what other patterns can be significantly downsized. A mini Sex Dungeon for spring creek trout and Great Lakes carp? A pine squirrel Krakken? What about a tiny Murdich minnow or the smallest feathered Game Changer of all time?  You may need to tinker around a bit with balance and proportion to get the right action, but once you do, fishing these smaller flies might give you a leg up on the competition, especially in the spring.
If people don't occasionally walk away from you shaking their heads, you're probably doing something wrong - John Gierach


Quote from: admin on March 22, 2016, 05:06:46 PM

PS they work better if you have one of those auld mannie beards.   :lol:

And  a face like a burst welly 😂 Or is the smile lost in the fuzz.
Don't worry, be happy.
Carried it in full, then carry it out empty.

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My mate Brian runs a salmon syndicate on the Cumbrian Eden right at the bottom end,last summer he told me a guy went out spinning when the river was huge, dirty and most folk would have went home.He caught browns of 7lb 6lb and 2 about 4lb on a fire tiger rapala.

Brian wasn't surprised and reckons these trout only get caught in such conditions on the spinner.I would imagine the yellow zoo cougar would work just as well fished on a sinking line Galloup style.

corsican dave

I fish mine with around 18" leader/tippet max. that's on 8lb minimum, straight to the fly line, which is usually an efs mine-sweeper. if you watch a zoo-cougar or similar in action you'll see the movement is highly erratic and would put most lures to shame. those mallard flanks are pretty pricey tho', especially the large ones.

has anyone used different feathers for these transverse wing flies?

btw: i'm fairly sure the zoo cougar would be great for comizo barbel.... :wink:

If people don't occasionally walk away from you shaking their heads, you're probably doing something wrong - John Gierach


If you were fishing a big fish loch with these streamers what would you use tackle wise. Would you stillbirths an 18"leader in clear water or would you weight the fly, which I suspect might affect it's action.

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