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Conned on ebay

Started by Pearly Invicta, September 18, 2007, 01:13:28 PM

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Pearly Invicta

Won an ebay auction for a fish finder for my fishing kayak. Even got out of my bed for the auction finish at 2am to make sure I won. ?109 plus ?15 p&p- a real bargain.

Seller had 30 positive reviews and I duly sent him a cheque. Log on a 8 days later and find that the seller is no longer registered on ebay. Cheque has been cashed. ?125 down the drain. How stupid do I feel?

Now i look at the feedback for the prick and find that all the feedback was sent in the last 4 weeks and some of the names leaving feedback look pretty similar.

Didn't pay by Paypal so no come back at all. There's always the police I suppose.


Fraud is fraud..........don't take no for an answer


Do you have the address you sent the cheque to? Do you know anyone who lives nearby?  :sport2;


Pearly Invicta

The prick wanted me to pay by bank transfer so he sent me his account number and sort code. Also have his address. Like you say, it's all traceable- if the will is there.

ebay won't even let you report a non-deliverable item until 10 days have passed but the prick is no longer registered on ebay, there's no-one by that name at that address (directory enq and electoral roll) and no reply to any emails for days.

Sounds like I've been conned but I have to wait another 2 days before I can even report it!!!

Pearly Invicta

Aye, funnily enough, the last time I used Paypal my card was then fraudulently used for ?800 worth of computer kit from the far east. I didn't lose a penny as my bank picked it up but it was a warning I obviously didn't head. No more ebay for me.


Coming from the other direction I got shafted by an Italian buyer who raised a claim after he had replied that he had recieved the goods and Ebay found in his favour. :x


These are very scary stories. I've bought quite a few things on Ebay and never had a problem.

I'm going to be a wee bit more circumspect now, after hearing of all your horror stories.

Protect the edge.


I've used ebay and paypal without probs but I think these tales are good food for thought and i will use a lot more caution in future. Like all good things it has those who will abuse it. The worst Fraud i have had was in a london hotel where they copied my credit card. Bad move as it was the only place I'd used that particular card in months and after a 6k spending spree the credit card company caught them out and got them pulled by the police. Ebay is probably not any worse than many other places when it comes to getting conned and its like all things of this nature its crap when it happens but its part of the course in todays wonderful society.

Sandy B.O.


Quote from: sandyborthwick on September 19, 2007, 12:40:04 PM
Ebay is probably not any worse than many other places when it comes to getting conned and its like all things of this nature its crap when it happens but its part of the course in todays wonderful society.

Sad but true Sandy, sad but true!



I've been using ebay and paypal for years and have not had any problems so far (touch wood).

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