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What have you tied today?

Started by Clan Chief, October 25, 2008, 08:04:35 PM

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River Chatter


Quote from: admin on July 06, 2010, 10:55:10 PM

See if you can spot the tying mistake on one fly.

The bottom left one has no tail ! - Do I win all of those flies as a prize :? :D
Great fly the Stimulator often use it on rivers to hang Nymps from as well


Yup, both right. I forgot to tail that one so made  the wing a bit longer to make it look like it was  a "design change"  :gay4  rather than just a normal  fuck up.  :lol:


aye but now youll have to tie up a dozen tailless ones just in case it  turns oot to be the killer :lol: :roll:

Education is important.
But fishing is importanter


Quote from: admin on July 06, 2010, 10:55:10 PM
The summer's  pishing rain and gales have started.

This can only mean one thing.  

Yes, it's Corriekinloch time!

We head off up there on Saturday, I can hardly wait!  :D

A flock of Stimulators size 12 and 10. This dry fly  is hard to beat when the mayfly are on the northern lochs. The troots are suckers for it, even in flat calms.  :lol:


See if you can spot the tying mistake on one fly.

Great flees but you must be after wee troots Fred.  :)


Been stocking up my flee boxes tonight.

My two most successful river flies this season.



and some wee caenis imitations



Quote from: guest on July 09, 2010, 12:11:00 AM
Great flees but you must be after wee troots Fred.  :)

are there any other kind Donald?    :lol:


I have a hunch those babies will do the trick :8)

Always worth tying a few with rubber legs, too, just to stir 'em up a bit :whistling


I like them Davie. My sedgehogs allways seem to turn out over dressed.

Like the colour choice but does anyone tie bibio sedgehogs ?


As promised in my CK  report (limited access reports section).  After careful consideration I  concluded this dirty-poly style fly to be so deadly and dangerous to Scotland's troot stocks I almost did not post it in the open fly section in case some stockie bashers got their hands on it and  deployed it using muddy dub protocols. This is a weapon of mass destruction, but they probably would not  know how to use it, so it's safe enough.  :lol:

As well as in the far north, it has also caught me a lot of fish on the Don this season in the late evenings. For up north a size 14 worked best. It's a general impression type of fly, seems to cover a multitude of sins.

Meet the Dirty Bugger


Hook: B170 size 14
Thread: grey
Body: Dubbed olive brown antron
Wing: Blue Dun McFlylon (white will not do)
Hackle: red game clipped level underneath.
Tail: red game

I have tried this with white McFlylon, it definitely works best with blue dun - perhaps it's just less glaringly obvious. The wing looks white in the photo it is in fact medium blue-grey. The clipped head hackle  makes it ride  a bit higher than a hackle-less pattern like a DHS, the tail keeps it on an even keel. Gink the whole fly and get ready.  :lol:

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