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Greys Unconditional Lifetime Guarantee - Hmm?

Started by np01, December 23, 2008, 09:18:36 PM

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I recently snapped the tip of my Greys Platinum X rod and sent off my ?25 "admin fee" for the tip to be replaced under the provisions of the Greys Lifetime Guarantee. After about a week of waiting I phoned Greys to check on progress. The guy in customer services (think Tim Nice but Dim) told me that they don't make the Platinum X anymore and as such they can't supply me with the rod tip. I, politely, asked how did this "square" with the lifetime guarantee. He simply repeated the previous point, that they don't make the rod anymore and therefore couldn't supply the tip, and once again I, less politely, enquired as to how this affected the provisions within the guarantee. We remained locked in this circular conversation until I could feel a dull ache beginning to develop, which I took to being my will to live being drained out of me by the Customer Services Representative (obviously a highly trained exponent of attritional warfare). Whereupon I changed tack slightly and asked, so what's the solution? Quick as a flash he suggested he could upgrade me to a brand new Platinum XD for ?50 - obviously the "admin" associated with fulfilling an entire rod order is twice as much effort as the "admin" associated with fulfilling just the replacement of a tip section.

My intial reaction was "good deal" a brand new XD for ?50 - great! But then thinking about it afterwards I wondered if I could have pushed them to supply the new rod for the original ?25? Wondered if anyone has had similar experiences and what the outcome was?


Clan Ford

I've got a Platinum X that has "failed" on three occasions.  I've been offered the upgrade to the platinum XD on two occasions but when I said I wasn't interested (think the xd is too fast for me) they have always managed to produce a section :?


The General

My xd has broken twice on the top section as well funnily enuff so moving up maybe isn't going to solve your problems.
It has remained in its tube since it got back from Greys last July.  I have lost faith in it.  Saw a rod being sold on ebay with a spare top section just in case (not Greys).  I will buy nothing more with the name Greys on it unless it is ten per cent of it's usual price.


Clan Ford

Quote from: broontroot on December 24, 2008, 12:22:12 AM
Sounds like the Greys Lifetime Guarantee is jist a load o  :crap. I think i wont even consider buying a Greys rod in future even with a 10% discount

Aye Broontroot,  I think your correct, stay well clear of Greys.  Only problem, I've got two :shock:


The General

I didn't say ten percent off I said ten percent of the original price and I would still think about it  :D

Shakespeare did the same to me with my salmon spinning rod.   Only a year old (the rod) when I broke it.  I shut the top section in my car door when I really wasn't well enuff to go fishing.  Sent the top section as requested to Shakey.  I had to phone them to see what was going on a week later.   They said they stopped making that model and I pointed out I had only bought it the year before!!!  They offered me their new top range spinning rod at the dealers price.   It is not a patch on the old style ferrule jointed rod with excellent fittings.  I felt cornered and despite all the usual protestations of my rights and their responsibilities I opted for the reduced price only to find that that is the price that Mullarkeys et al are selling the rod at.  Felt cheated and promised not to buy any more of their stuff either.   Succumbed a week ago and bought a match rod from Devon Angling after reading a wee article on here about dearer postage to NI.  It is crap, it has a lump of glue about an inch long by half an inch wide that just will not budge on the top section.  The screw down piece of the handle has a bit of the "foam" missing and it is a bitch to get the screw down fitting to actually start to screw.  The bag ties were also frayed to just big lumps of thread.   Jeez is it just me!!!


The General

This is like being at skool.

I was answering Broontroot's statement of 10% off.   Steve

I didn't say it was a guaranteed repair.  Crocath

feel a bit lick PA here


maybe grays are getting their blanks from the same crowd as airflo


I have had replacement sections for two different greys rods over the last few years, damaged from what I would class wear and tear.  Both times the replacements arrived within two weeks of posting off the damaged section and a cheque.  Personally I'm relatively happy with their gear and service, but as suggested above I think both will have to improve given the current economic climate.  And not just at Greys either.


Clan Ford

I don't want to knock Greys too much, they supply vast amounts of decent fly rods at price that is affordable to most.  However of all the rods I've had over the years its the Greys that have broken on me most often, in fact the only other rod that (the kids) broke was an orvis which was 17 years old and bought in the states.  Now the Orvis service was exemplary and although the line was discontinued I received a brand new "latest" version within 5 days of sending the broken rod to Orvis in the UK and that was without any proof of purchase or documentation surrounding the warranty. 

I have not had the same experience with greys.  The butt section on my platinum X has snapped twice and the mid section once.  One one occasion it was my fault (fell on the rod) but on the other occasions it was during the act of casting.  My streamflex has never broken as such but I needed to replace a ring and the only alternative I was offered was to replace the section (at the usual cost).  The wooden spacer on the reel seat also has a habit of swelling up if it gets wet and again they are willing to the replace this (at the usual cost) but I think it is design flaw and they should be shelling out.  I'm currently thinking of getting the section replaced and flogging it while it still retains some value.  I see Scott have just brought out a 10ft #4, S4.... :shock:



I've never understood why anglers have allowed companies like Greys to get away with this lifetime guarantee crap. Where I come from, if something is guaranteed it gets replaced or repaired free of charge. Seems to me the ?25 means you are actually buying a replacement section at cost. What's more, if the item is discontinued then you get the one that is it's current replacement. Trouble is, anglers have been forking out the postage, which should be refunded, and the fee, without questioning it.


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