
A Perfectly Good Boat Of My Own

thumb When the Good Lord decided that His world needed a wash he advised Noah to start sawing cubits. He also instructed Noah to pass the word to The Macneil of Barra, warning him of the impending flood, and to keep a place in the Ark for The Macneil and his family.

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Highland Hill Lochs Big-Country Style

thumb You’re on holiday in the States and happen to find yourself in that paradise of trout fishing, Wyoming. Great, some of the best cutthroat rivers in the US are hereabouts; big rivers with big names like the North Platte and Snake River.

Read more: Highland Hill Lochs Big-Country Style

Sea pooling for silver

thumb As a young boy I can vividly remember peering out through the misted windows of our small cottage, peat smoke billowing around the room, eagerly awaiting my father’s return and his silver harvest from the pools. Those childhood days have gone but the overwhelming childhood excitement, the magic of the pools and, most importantly, the sea trout remain.

Read more: Sea pooling for silver

The Annual General Meeting

thumbI was digging around recently in my memories of season's past when I came across the minutes of an angling association meeting held three decades ago. I sat down to read:

Read more: The Annual General Meeting

Sandwood Bay

thumb The great fleet sailed south from Cape Wrath. There were one hundred warships, their sides sparkling with long lines of shields, powered by fierce, merciless men. Their leader was old in a time when survival was chance and old age remarkable. King Haakon of Norway surveyed his force with eagle eyes: eight thousand battle hardened men.

Read more: Sandwood Bay