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How many rods do you use? (note: USE not own)

Started by Wildfisher, September 06, 2006, 05:02:27 PM

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How many rods do you use? (note: USE not own)

9 (15.3%)
18 (30.5%)
14 (23.7%)
8 (13.6%)
3 (5.1%)
6 or more
7 (11.9%)

Total Members Voted: 27


Not at the same time stupid!   :D

In the old days I was a 3 rod man: 

8 ?   soft action burn wet fly rod (home made)
An 8 foot Milbro tru-fly dry fly special – fast actioned  for back then, but limp by today's standard
A 10 foot  Milbro tru-fly  loch rod.

When I came back to fishing after 15 years or so off, I made do with a 10- foot Diawa Whisker. Apart from the weight it had an action like a limp stalk of celery – but that is perhaps being a trifle unkind as they are not bad rods. Not good either  - but not bad.

I  convinced myself  that  only one rod was required but that's  a bit like saying " Iv'e got waders so why should I buy wellies to   dig the garden." Or perhaps "The Reliant Robin was good enough for Del and Rodney so it's good enough for me"

I believe now that you only think you need one rod  until you get  more rods and realise the pleasure fishing with an appropriate rod adds to your day. Others may disagree. 

Now I use variety of rods: A 10 foot Vision #5 or a Snowbee Zircon xs for run of the mill loch work, an 8 ? foot Zircon  #4 for the rivers, a Bloke XL50  # 6 when the mood takes me, an 8 ? foot #5 March Brown 7 piece for the hard hikes.   I also believe that using a variety of rods forces you to adapt your casting style and improves your casting. This does not necessarily mean you will be a more  successful angler though, but it should help.

The retail price of each of  my rods is  ?250 or less. I hope I never get the Sage or Loomis bug

So what about you?

Pearly Invicta

I use an 8 1/2 foot hardy 5 weight for wee burns and a 16' split cane dapping rod.

But 98% of the time I use a 9 1/2 foot Bruce and Walker #7 Powerlite. I love that rod.

I also have an 8 weight Reddington for really heavy work, or when its windy but its rarely out of the tube.


Yeah, I should have said FLY RODS.

None of your uncouth spinning stuff please  :D


Hello all,

Just have my trusty 9'6 Sharpes, Gordon 7#....the only fly rod I have bought after using my Dad's old Glass Fibre rods and I'm loving it.

Probably a bit much for the rivers that I fish occasionally so I do have half an eye on a wee 3/4 weight Sharpes in the's no the price of the rod that puts me off buying it..but the fly line !....
maybe next season but I'll need to hide it from her what spends the money !


Clan Ford

On the Rivers

For Trout and Grayling:- 7'6" 5wt Orvis Super fine (full flex) or if the river is high an orvis 9' 5wt Clearwater Classic Mid flex. 
For Sea Trout:- 9'6" 7wt Greys Platinum X (but you might find me using this for all sorts of things)
For Salmon:- Altmor Spey 14' 9/10wt (won this in a Radio Scotland Comp.) and the Platinum X for low water.

On the Lochs.

From the Bank:- Some times the 9' 5wt Clear Water Classic but usually a 10' 6wt Airflo PS Tech. 
From the boat:- An 11'3" 6wt Bruce & Walker Powerlite

I make that six rods, that crept up on me.  I must be a tackle tart.  Have to admit I like the softer action of the Orvis rods for my dry fly fishing.  I find the Platinum X a bit stiff but it's just a lovely rod to handle.  The Altmor is a beast - I can't imagine what a 16ft would be like!


I use  bout six at once, two side rods, two planers and the downrigger rods  :lol:



Put casts and flies on and see how thy do  :lol:


Quote from: Monkeyboab on September 10, 2006, 10:07:50 PM
I use  bout six at once, two side rods, two planers and the downrigger rods  :lol:

Like it Boab :lol:

All the best



Most used this season have been

my Cortland 8'0 5wt 5pc - a wee beauty -
my Redington 10'0 7wt 2pc - a good all rounder & great in a big wind

ps seems a tad worrying that I am discussing the size of my rod of an internet forum :shock:


Default rod is a Diawa 8'6 Altmor. Second rod is a 10' rod I got free when I subscribed to Todays Flyfisher a fwe years ago (no longer I hasten to add) - a nice Cortland that is useful for the few larger puddles I fish - it gets out about twice a year!
It has always been my private conviction that any man who pits his intelligence against a fish and loses has it coming.  ~John Steinbeck

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