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What have you tied today?

Started by Clan Chief, October 25, 2008, 08:04:35 PM

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Grouse and Orange Spider

My take on the Partridge and orange which is supposed to be a March Brown. I have no confidence in it as it looks too pale and washed out  to my eye. Don't know if it makes any odds or not.

Hook: 12 Kamasan B170
Body: Cobbler's waxed orange thread
Hackle: mottled  grouse feather.
Tail: as hackle



Waterhen Bloa

Hook: 14
Body: Yellow silk with lightly touch-dubbed mole
Hackle: Waterhen - but if you wish to avoid a jail term you can use any blue-grey webby feather - I used snipe underwing

The feather barbules are perhaps a bit short on this example, but it should still catch fish.



Ubiquitous Spider

You can just make these up as you go and they will all catch fish. Like this one: yellow silk body discoloured with cobbler's wax, hackle from a nondescript cheap hen cape like this one:


Found in a bargain bin in a tackle shop many years ago and bought for about  50p. I wonder if you could still find these anywhere?

These are exactly the type of flies  I used 40 years ago on the wee river about 200 yards from here. Never worried too much what we called them. They take about a minute to tie, these are fishing flies, not exhibition flies.


Fred on a roll  :) nice flies keep them coming


 few from last night, really struggle to dub mole sparingly and evenly, any tips?
Hopefully I'll get a chance to wet them on the 1st, thanks for looking


Quote from: scoobyscott on March 21, 2013, 11:23:24 AM
struggle to dub mole sparingly and evenly, any tips?

Touch dubbing is the way. See this thread by Scotfly

With some tacky  wax and a dubbing comb to remove a small amount of fur from the pelt it's dead easy.


Thanks for the link Fred and a big thumbs up to Scotfly a quality thread with loads of clear useful instruction. Im working in schools just now so will 'borrow' a pritt stick. Nice one Barfly, never fished the Tay but will keep it in mind for when I do. That ones getting dunked in the Tweed



Hare's ear DHS size 12

No pattern required, probably the easiest fly of all to tie.

Clan Chief

Simple and deadly. Nice tying!



DHE size 12 - for March Brown time

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