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Beavering about..

Started by Sandison, May 15, 2014, 10:26:39 PM

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Allan Crawford

I remember seeing it on the news, controlled introduction of beavers, fair enough, starting to look like it wasn't very controlled, either they escaped by themselves or some people chose to release them illegally ?

Not sure what I think, I probably like beavers but fear the environment is not there for them any more, great to have a few back in the country side but once there are loads of them I can see the culling starting if the photos of what is happening on Tayside is anything to go by. What with the climate change and flooding I fear for the beavers future.

PS I wrote that before I got to read the last two posts and I see it is along the same lines of thinking.


What I'm saying is that if there is flooding and illegally introduced beavers that "should have been culled" are in any way implicated, even partly,  there will be trouble. I don't see this as being an issue  in remote parts of the highlands, but in populous areas and over farmland where the country's food is grown it will be.


There is not a day i walk in local countryside (yes paisley has some) that i see more than one rabbit. Now knowing how the bunnies breed i think this makes a plague of beavers pretty unlikely. If I'm wrong the Ned's with unlicensed airguns will fix it.


I think you are right.  I'd be very surprised if they are not already being shot. Knowing how much farmers hate any kind of obstructions on rivers that run through farmland I find it hard to believe they will sit idly by and watch them build dams when they are allowed to shoot them.


Allan Crawford

Quote from: Alan on May 18, 2014, 12:07:12 AM
'Beavers Dash Hopes of Independence'

First minister Alex Salmond's plans for independence were in tatters last night after publicity surrounding Scotland's 'beaver gate' scandal eclipsed his final speech before polling on Tuesday, polls are showing a sudden last minute down turn,
The fiasco began when animal rights campaigners joined ranks with home owners from flooded Tayside where beaver activity has caused havoc with waterways, Mr Salmond tried in vain to ignore the protests from the back of the Perth town hall but campaigners broke through the police cordon and grabbed the media limelight,
Mr Sandy McDonald of Cuper Angus said ''we have had enough, these beavers have ruined our lives, our homes are flooded and the government is doing nothing, if this is what an independent Scotland will look like i'm having none of it, it either us or the beavers!''


David Cameron will have been glad there are no beavers in the S O E after last winter !


 :D Alan did you write that yourself  :D perfidious ... i admit i had to google that LOL


This is an interesting article and really underlines what a shambles this whole beaver business has been since 2008.


You should start reading again Alan. Begin with the article I have  linked to above. Monty Python's Big Red Book had nothing  on this.  :D   As they say, you really couldn't make it up.   Phrases involving arses and elbows come to mind.   :lol:


Just caught up on all of this

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