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March browns

Started by brian, January 18, 2007, 08:49:44 PM

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Hi, has anyone got a good tying for the march brown, with the trip to the Don in April, I want to be prepared for all eventualities.
cheers, Brian.


I use a what is I suppose basically just a MB spider, but with a long black cock hackle wound through the partridge hackle and a fine copper wire rib over hares ear or possum body. Tail is black cock fibres. I know the MB has no black on it, but it still works (sometimes). To be honest I use this fly as a top dropper on lochs too and it works as a dark olive as well. I don't have a name for it. Think I'll call it the Laphroaig, for no particular reason. :?

An Adams, parachute or otherwise, also gets a regular trial.

Both flies in a size 12.

This year I intend to fish emergers (DHE) along with a MB spider rather than dries, unless the fish are obviously sipping down the duns. I say I'm going to do this every year and end up just putting a dry on and getting fewer fish than I should.

I find the fish in the fast water, where the MBs are hatching, are usually taking the nymphs and emergers furiously, whereas the fish feeding in the softer water and in the pool tails will take a dry more readily.

Protect the edge.


Hook - 10 or 12 lightweight (Kamasan b170 or similar)
Tail - a few strands of Deer hair
Body - Tan poly dubbing
Wing - tan poly yarn, either as a tuft or a loop, sloping back at 45 deg
Thorax - tan poly
Hackle - Red game over thorax. Clipped in a vee below

This was in a Trout & Salmon about 10 years ago. It's caught me lots of fish with or without March Browns on the water.

About 3 years ago on beat 2 (or was it 3?? :?) on Monymusk, directly opposite a huge hoose next to the river I cast to a steadily rising fish, hooked it at the second offer & thought 'this is a nice fish'. When I couldn't shift it I thought 'this is a REALLY nice fish'. Managed to get it to my side of the river and saw a fish about 5 lbs or so , when it got closer I noticed it was a funny colour and the water was clear enough to see its shape. It was no trout but a bloody salmon! Unfortunately when it saw me it decided it had an important meeting in Aberdeen, turned tail and shot off............................................. You know the rest :( :( :violin :violin


Pete, I think the big hoose you mention is Sir Archie Grant - laird of Monymusk's  mansion. A man dearly loved and highly respected in the area.


Quote from: admin on January 19, 2007, 09:50:18 AM
Pete, I think the big hoose you mention is Sir Archie Grant - laird of Monymusk's  mansion. A man dearly loved and highly respected in the area.

Are you being sarcastic???


Quote from: rabbitangler on January 19, 2007, 08:50:22 PM
Quote from: admin on January 19, 2007, 09:50:18 AM
Pete, I think the big hoose you mention is Sir Archie Grant - laird of Monymusk's  mansion. A man dearly loved and highly respected in the area.

Are you being sarcastic???

Does saxifrage flower in the Scottish Highlands? :D
Schrodinger's troots pictured above.


Protect the edge.


I tied some of these up this evening. Should work fine, all the wing is for is to make it easier to see on the water. I reckon it would work OK in a mayfly hatch too, perhaps with a dirty yellow body



I just tied it parachute so the elk wing would be more visible to me. Much easier and quicker to  tie the hackle in standard, quite a lot of turns  and clip in underneath. More robust too


That Elk job looks the dogsbollocks never mind dogsbody.


Fred, what the fox that new purple smiley all about? :gay4
Ah! Gay as an Autumn's morn eh? :lol:

Protect the edge.

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