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Started by Brian Mcg, March 17, 2011, 09:44:35 AM

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Brian Mcg

Hi Andy.
If you believe the 5 essentials are not essential you will still be able to cast but it will be inefficient
1/If the rod tip does not follow a slp and lets say follows a concave rtp it will cause a tailing loop etc etc so it is inefficient. You may be casting with a convex rtp ie big loops. Try casting that one into a wind.
2/Try casting a long line with a short stroke/arc. It will fail. Inefficient
3/You agree
4/If you are putting power in and the cast is working It must have been put in at the right point. So this one works. Efficient
5/You agree. Efficient

So in summary if you put all 5 essentials together it makes the cast more efficient IMO.
I personally follow a different/same set of principals.




how concave does the rtp have to be in order to achieve the perfect tailing loop?


Quote from: Alan on March 24, 2011, 12:59:45 PM
you can learn a lot via beer and copious pish talking :lol:

We bow to your expertise and achievements in these areas, though I never realised that YOU required the former to accomplish the latter !!  :D


Brian Mcg

Quote from: Alan on March 24, 2011, 12:59:45 PM
i think the simplest way is to digest the 5 things over a few beers with at least one casting geek, discuss the ins and outs of each then compile your own 5 points in a way that makes sense to you, you can learn a lot via beer and copious pish talking :lol:

Ok what Pub? Or is that going to be another 11 page debate :lol:



Quote from: Teither on March 24, 2011, 04:42:47 PM
We bow to your expertise and achievements in these areas, though I never realised that YOU required the former to accomplish the latter !!  :D

You mean you have not experienced the pleasure  of Alan with a drink? Last summer  he and Alex were at my place  for a couple of nights  when we fished the Don. I noticed Alan was on the cheap 50%  proof lager. Aye, he can certainly talk and the fact he also caught the biggest fish didn't exactly hush him up much either.   :lol:


Quote from: admin on March 24, 2011, 01:49:25 PM
how concave does the rtp have to be in order to achieve the perfect tailing loop?

It's the degree to which the tip rises after the dip that will achieve the perfect tailing loop. You can really emphasise your tailing by thrusting the rod up at the end of the stroke.


Quote from: scotty9 on March 24, 2011, 11:03:36 PM
It's the degree to which the tip rises after the dip that will achieve the perfect tailing loop. You can really emphasise your tailing by thrusting the rod up at the end of the stroke.

Time you were back on your native soil, young man ! All this time spent among the sheep is doing your moral compass no good at all.  :lol:



Ha brilliant! Had not noticed the alternative side of the wording  :lol: I'll be home rather soon actually  :shock: About 3 months on the button.


Quote from: admin on March 24, 2011, 10:16:59 PM
You mean you have not experienced the pleasure  of Alan with a drink? Last summer  he and Alex were at my place  for a couple of nights  when we fished the Don. I noticed Alan was on the cheap 50%  proof lager. Aye, he can certainly talk and the fact he also caught the biggest fish didn't exactly hush him up much either.   :lol:

          It's hard to tell whether it's the drink, whatever else [?], or just his particular normality that causes the effects we all notice in him. When he arrives at the pond of a Sunday morning he really is a sight to behold. Passers-by move to the other side of the road. When he begins his wittering club members also move to the other side of the road !  :) Unfortunately, he often follows !  :lol:


Brian Mcg

Alan there ain't a pub in Europe I couldn't get home from.
I use a system that was shown to me,I do not know who owns them so I make no claims to ownership. They are as follows.

L= Line
A= Arc
P= Power
P= Pause
S= Stroke.

If one of the above increases they all increase and visa versa. It is easy to Teach and understand. IMO.


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