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Boot Recommendations

Started by Barnyard, November 14, 2016, 09:37:39 PM

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I am surprised at the Snowbee not being worthwhile, I thought they offered quite good gear at a decent price? Airflo, now way will I use this brand anymore. Shoddy rods, reels, lines and tippet material. Sorry 2 corrections here. The outlander vest that came with a Sub to Trout FDisherman has held up wee and was free and the fast inter line also has worked ok other than the last 8 ish inches on the backing end rotting and becoming detatched these 2 items have performed well. Orvis are on my radar simply because of their warranty and proximity to me. I wonder if they will have a Black Friday sale???


Myself and a few others have had several pairs of Snowbee boots. They disintegrated after only moderate use. In my case a sole came off once and I had to walk for fecking miles back to the car in what was essentially bare feet.    :lol:


Scratch Snowbee off the list then!  :shock: :shock:


I have Orvis Clearwater boots & to date they have lasted well. Having said that they are an older model that I bought for £85 in the Orvis Pickering shop that was closing down at the time
Can't beat as the others have said the Orvis guarantee for all their gear.

Tight Lines
" The Future's Bright The Future's Wet Fly"

Nemo me impune lacessit

corsican dave

add skb to the list to avoid. crap.

I have a pair of orvis flats hikers which have been used/abused way beyond their brief. there's scarcely a mark on them after 3 years. and they've been subjected to boggy hell holes, sharp rocky shorelines, ice (!) and hill walks. more than likely not the best model for your purpose, but a good endorsement for orvis.

orvis is one of those brands i'd love to hate; seems to be targeted at middle aged old farts(sadly I think I've become one of those) and the catalogues are full of pretentious shite you wouldn't be seen dead in but your family would probably buy you for crimbo... however, I have to say that pretty much all of their fishing gear has impressed me. it's like the marks & spencers of the fishing world or pringle sweaters. you know it's good stuff but you're sorta embarrassed to let people see the label. a mate had one of their new helios rods; just lovely. and by no means appropriate for middle-aged old farts!  :lol:

I also have to endorse Simms boots although you'll struggle to find a pair within your budget, i'm not a wealthy guy, but having worked in the outdoor gear market for most of my life I would say that "buy cheap, buy twice"  is definitely true when applied to wading boots.

has anyone used vision boots? I've been impressed by their wading clothing
If people don't occasionally walk away from you shaking their heads, you're probably doing something wrong - John Gierach


Quote from: corsican dave on November 17, 2016, 08:42:42 PM
I would say that "buy cheap, buy twice"  is definitely true when applied to wading boots.

sorry Dave that's WAY off.

For Snowbee and Aiflo it's "buy not so cheap, buy thrice"      :lol:

corsican dave

Quote from: admin on November 17, 2016, 08:48:11 PM
sorry Dave that's WAY off.

For Snowbee and Aiflo it's "buy not so cheap, buy thrice"      :lol:

bang on, Fred! two brands I will never buy another piece of kit from as long as I live. i'm especially disappointed by Airflo's customer service, let alone the quality of their kit. they're one of those companies that charges exorbitant prices for carriage to the highlands and don't respond to emails. and, much tho' i'd like to support a british company, I wouldn't even hang my washing on their lines. but we're off topic here, so apologies to you, Barnyard!  :lol:
If people don't occasionally walk away from you shaking their heads, you're probably doing something wrong - John Gierach


Absolutely no apology required. None of us wish to just waste money on crap gear and the replies have been more than helpful. Not being in a position to afford Simms right now I think I will head off to Orvis in Harrogate next week and have a fitting, a proper fitting whereby I can take the new Ikon's with me and physically try them.  I must add that I have just ordered a new pair of vision Ikon waders from Diver Dave. Brand new I hasten to add that he is currently working on to add xl feet to for me. I am blessed with a Medium frame but xl feet  :shock: . I will have a full 12 month guarantee from Dave and a reduction on repairs and he says they are for the money probably the best in the market. Can't get fairer than that.


My mate does just as Andy says with sports direct walking boots and swears by it, I might do that next time round. I got greys strata waders and boots on Black Friday last year, think I paid 160 for both. The boots look pretty indestructible and I find them really comfy even over a distance, they come with screw in tungsten studs. Unfortunately on the stravaig four of the lace holders (if that's what they're called) popped off on the right boot, apart from that the boots are tip top. Took the boots back and got a replacement, they said because it was one boot and they hadnt had any others that it was probably a manufacturing error so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt because I really like them....and I've got brand new boots for next year  :lol:


The cheap walking boot options sounds like a winner to me. I have several pairs of old "merrell" boots that other than not being waterproof anymore are solid enough in themselves. Maybe I should stud a pair up and see how I go? The only issue I forsee is a cramped space due to the stocking foot. Well nothing ventured, nothing gained as they say. Also Black Friday this week so I shall keep my eyes open! In fact would it be an idea to start a Black Friday deals thread?? Spot something and give the rest of us a heads up!

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