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What have you tied today?

Started by Clan Chief, October 25, 2008, 08:04:35 PM

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Some of you will have noticed this wonderful topic has passed the 100,000 views mark!

ONE THREAD!  :shock:  What an achievement!  :D

To celebrate, the originator of the topic, Clan Chief (Allan) has tied and photographed a well known fly and here it is!


Great stuff Allan and well done for creating a topic  that gets more attention than most other complete Scottish forums do! !  :D


Yes indeed, and as one of the few Forumites that regularly uses the above, killer, flee I consider it a fitting post.
I'd suggest that to celebrate magnificent achievement this equally magnificent specimen is auctioned for forum funds.
If agreed, £5 starts it.
'til a voice as bad as conscience,
rang interminable changes,
on an everlasting whisper,
day and night repeated so-
"Something hidden, go and find it,
Go and look beyond the ranges,
Something lost beyond the ranges,
Lost and waiting for you,


It is indeed a fine Mr Ross. Slim tying.  How big is the hook Allan?

Clan Chief


Just the job for the burn mouths. 


A great thread and fitting it is a PR. I know there are detractors but its a great flee during buzzer hatches.

Well done Allan.




Totally agree with Paul. PR is one of the best in a size 16 during Buzzer hatches. Doesn't work for me in larger sizes however.
There's nocht sae sober as a man blin drunk.
I maun hae goat an unco bellyfu'
To jaw like this


I am beginning to get the shakes with the impending trout season approaching and need to motivate myself to start tying so thought i would post as i tye for each of the main fly hatches. I don't use a lot of flies and constantly evolve them but on the whole they are simple and whilst i am sure there are better imitations the flies i will post have worked greatly for me.

I believe in simple flies as well and as you'll see most of my fishing is in the top inch of the water. Over the years i have come to believe that trout, and big trout in particular, are really vulnerable in this zone. Their vision is impaired and consequently they seem  to set aside their inhibitions when locked onto a food source. Also its a very visual way to fish and therefore addictive.

So first hatch is the MARCH BROWN

These are huge flies and really get the fish going when a hatch is in full flow. The hatch is very often over in 10 minutes but sometime the trout go crazy irrespective of size. Its well worth the wait for the hatch to come on but as ever sometimes despite almost perfect conditions they don't appear one day but the next a snow storm is raging and they come off like confetti.

One thing about this hatch that has baffled me is the fact that i very rarely succeed with a dun imitation such as the jingler, preferring instead an emerger imitation. Given the time of year i like to use snowshoe as a wing. its robust and given the hatch can be so short you need to be able to release a fish and then start again. CDC is equally as good but that i my opinion is for later in the season.

When an emerger is not working i use an R2S. A great fly i use a lot in different colours and sizes. It fishes just below the surface, which can be important for March Browns.

The last fly is a simple pheasant tail nymph, both wieghted and unwieghted versions. I like to show a wing case at the rear of a hares ear thorax .

Other than that I don't use any other patterns for this hatch. This hatch has always produce the biggest fish of the season for me and i can honestly say i could down the days to the start to the season longer before its end to just get in amongst this hatch.



Have to agree with that, never did much good with duns although they sometimes work, the emergers are better. I use a hare's ear usually. Pheasant tails work OK  but they get ripped to bits too quickly for me. All that happens with a hare's ear is that it gets a bit raggier for a while before it may eventually fail, but the raggy ones catch better anyway.

This is nice;

Tweed March Brown hatching


I really like that MB emerger in the photo Paul.  :D

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