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What have you tied today?

Started by Clan Chief, October 25, 2008, 08:04:35 PM

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A good kick in the baws would be far less painful than a day at Rescobie.   :lol:


I once won a day ticket for Rescobie.

It was 1st  prize in a competition.

Thank goodness I didn't win second prize. That was a season ticket.     :lol:


Tha popper looks good. Andy they bumbles are cracking, really like the purple one. Personally prefer your Connemara to the claret though.
Tied theseUSD LDO's tonight really like the look of them but have read they have a sh*t hook up rate, any experience? They aren't half as hard as they look.


Clan Chief

Lovely looking flies Scooby!  :D


i keep a few USDs in my box Scott (not as nice as yours though). I only use them in desperation and can recall one fish that took first time (and was hooked) after refusing a few more standard patterns.
I think that's the only rise I've had on a USD, so they have a 100% hook-up record for me :)

Protect the edge.


Thanks guys there a bit big to use just now I think. Can't remember the hook but I think its a klinkhammer in 14 but are more like a size 10. That's reassuring Alex, cheers


CDC & Aero

Got this out of one of Mac's (east wind) report posts.

The CDC & Elk is without doubt one of the most effective flies I have used. From Scotland to New Zealand it has caught me a lot of difficult fish, far more than the DHE (but others will have their own experiences of course). I seldom use it though because it comprises  the materials  I hate most in flies and fly tying - CDC and Elk or Deer hair.  With this  fly once the CDC "legs"  (perhaps the essential trigger in this design?) get very wet the hair wing does not support the fly visibly unless it is dressed heavily and dressing it heavily  makes a less effective fly. It is hard to dry and continue to fish with once a fish is caught on it.

This I hope will fix the management problems as Mac suggests it does, swapping out the hair wing for the ridiculously expensive,  but fine yet buoyant Areo Wing.

It is a ludicrously easy and quick fly to tie which is another essential in my book. No dicking about wasting time  with "fly tying stuff" as Bob Wyatt so succinctly puts it.  :lol:


Nice Fred, is the aero wing the same as the Mcflyon that you use?


Stu, the Aero wing is a much finer, delicate  hollow fibre. It's a bit pricey, but you do get a lot of it for your money. I have never bothered with it before, but Mac recommending  it was good enough for me. It is very nice to work with. I bought it in medium dun (see above fly), might also buy some white now that I have seen how good it is.  Numerous Ebay sellers have it - for example:

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