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What have you tied today?

Started by Clan Chief, October 25, 2008, 08:04:35 PM

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I've got some golden olive seals fur and marabou, might have a wee bash later


Judging by the numbers of damsel flies  you see in the air above and around our lochs in summer there must be a hell of a lot of nymphs in the water. They must form part of the fish's diet.


I think damsel nymph s account for a large proportion of a trouts diet early summer. I fished a loch last year where the better fish were definitely locked on to this source. I am struggling to find a gogood imitation though.

personally I think a bead is too heavy but it does create a swimming action trout find irritating or irresistible. Rubber legs might be a good addition to the dressing.


There is a huge selection of bead weights available in various materials Paul..

You have hit the nail on the head. What is most important in fly fishing is presentation. Presentation is not casting, casting is only part of it. Presentation is everything including  fishing the correct size of fly in the right place or depth, weight is a big factor in that.

What I'm saying is a box of a just a few patterns of different size, profile, dressing material density and  weight is a lot more important than a box full of different fly patterns.

Looking back over 40 odd years I believe  that unless you tie flies you cannot ever be an adaptable fly fisher, that said fly tying is mainly bollocks and although it is enjoyable bollocks it has a lot to answer for in the creation of confusion and clutter..  :lol:


I agree with that and because of it find myself fishing greenwells glories every spring on the river. I don't know why I ever throught this fly could be beaten.


As far as getting a good damsel nymph imitation goes I reckon  anything of about the right size that is olive / brown will work as well as anything else. Mobility  by way of silicon rubber legs / marabou is good. On most of my nymphs I add a turn of CDC at the head. That design of Bob Wyatt's uses a turn of very soft woodcock wing covert feather.

I really don't believe going for close imitation is productive, in fact it's not possible.   For a start I have yet to come across any insect with a tempered steel hook sticking out of its arse.  :lol:


One of the food sources from a South Uist machair loch.

There were loads of these in the water.



Quote from: admin on November 12, 2014, 03:32:25 PM
I really don't believe going for close imitation is productive, in fact it's not possible.   For a start I have yet to come across any insect with a tempered steel hook sticking out of its arse.  :lol:

I find that if you cut the bend of the hook off you get a lot more takes.


Quote from: Billy on November 12, 2014, 03:37:39 PM
One of the food sources from a South Uist machair loch.

There were loads of these in the water.



No doubt that beastie is still waiting for you to return. You sorted yir misses out yet.




Its becoming an expensive few days but I'm trying.

I'll make my move this weekend. the bruises should be away by Christmas  :banghead


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